
Saturday, July 09, 2011

Changes, changes, changes.....

I made a few changes today - nothing earth-shattering - but it might make it easier for y'all to get around the blogroll.

I deleted 10 blogs that haven't been updated in a few months and then rigged it so that instead of displaying God knows how many blogs, it only shows the 25 most recently updated. If you don't see your favorite, the rest can still be seen by clicking the 'See All' button on the bottom.
I'm wanting to divide the blogroll up between professional bloggers and pissed off ordinary citizens, but that's going to take more time than I have right now.

I also added a blogroll for Survivalists, Preppers and Three Percenters. I read these every time they post, but I got tired of looking for them in my blogroll so now they have their own spot. They can be found above my regular blogroll.
There's some good information that can be found in all the blogs in this category. You want to prepare an emergency kit? Get reviews on different kinds of gear? Find out how the Feds operate? How they're fucking us? Gardening or livestock questions? These links are the places to go.
If you know of any blogs that need to be listed, let me know.

And there it is......

This guy worked at Republic Steel for 10 years until its closing in 1983. 
The best line he says that he ever heard there was when this young black kid was being reprimanded for the last time.
The black youth said to the shop foreman, “you’re firing me because I’m black!”
The boss said, “No, we hired you because you were black. We’re firing you because you’re useless!”

-Skidmark and Texas Fred

Coincidence? I think not.....

A few months ago when the Obamessiah extended the patriot act, they also threw in a few additions -  one of which was the feds now have the power to seize libarry records (without a warrant or subpoena) to see who was reading what - you know, so they can find "extremists" and terrorists and shit by what they read.
As soon as I read that, I started checking out books on Ruby Ridge, Waco, the OKC bombing, the Unabomber, shit like that on my weekly trips to that fine institute of intellect, the libarry. Fuck the Feds, you know? But then I really started to enjoy reading them, so I branched out and started reading books on the BATF, DEA, DHS, and the rest of the alphabet agencies, looking them up on the libarrys' online card catalogue. After a while I just went straight to the various sections and browsed to see what I may have missed.

So today, me and Miss Lisa head down so she can get some of her trashy romance novels. I drop her off in the foo-foo section and head over to a computer to see if they've gotten any new books in the above-mentioned subjects. I hit 'Subject Exact', BATF in the search box and hit enter like I've done hundreds of times before and got......... nothing. No books listed. I did the same for DHS and Ruby Ridge and Waco and all got the same results. But when I entered 'Liberal' I got about a million fucking titles.
I went and looked - the books I was interested in are there but they can't be located on the libarry computerized card catalogue.
Wonder how that happened?

Friday, July 08, 2011

Happy Birthday Claymore!

Zilla posted it in a comment and I'm joining her in Best Wishes for you.

I feel ya, man

*Wife's diary...*
Tonight, I thought my husband was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment on it. Conversation wasn't flowing, so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed, but he didn't say much.

I asked him what was wrong; He said, 'Nothing.' I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said he wasn't upset, that it had nothing to do with me, and not to worry about it. On the way home, I told him that I loved him. He smiled slightly, and kept driving.

I can't explain his behavior I don't know why he didn't say, 'I love you, too.' When we got home, I felt as if I had lost him completely, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there quietly, and watched TV. He continued to seem distant and absent. Finally, with silence all around us, I decided to go to bed. About 15 minutes later, he came to bed. But I still felt that he was distracted, and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell asleep - I cried. I don't know what to do. I'm almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a disaster.

*Husband's Diary*
Damm BOAT wouldn't start, can't figure it out!!!


So nobody's going to cop to it, huh?

-Stock photo

Whoever it was that sent me a SOG NW Ranger knife, I appreciate it. I'm very grateful, always admired this knife but just couldn't justify spending the 75 bucks for it.
I got the package in the mail today from an online store that I've never shopped at and the knife was there, new in box with a packing list but without a receipt.
So now I'm sitting here scratching my head and ass trying to figure out where it came from, but I figure if you wanted me to know you'd have told me.
But it is an outrageous knife - non-slip kraton handle, 5 1/2" heavy blade and sharp as hell - and will make a fine addition to my Git Kit.
Thanks again!

He forgot to blame the Girl Scouts

A year after the WH proclaimed “recovery summer,: and two years after a trillion dollar “stimulus” program, the President blamed a series of “headwinds” for what he described as a “rocky” “recovery.” Obama said Greece, natural disasters, high gas prices, state budget cuts and uncertainty about the debt ceiling were prohibiting the economy from creating more jobs, which critics called just more finger-pointing from the White House. “Streamlining the patent process” and new infrastructure spending were a few solutions to the jobs crisis offered by the President this morning, leaving many economists scratching their heads. Looking detached, Mr. Obama plodded back into the White House with his head down, without acknowledging any responsibility for the economy for the struggling economy and appearing to some critics extremely out of touch.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Some of 'em got smarts real good

I know this administration claims to be the smartest ever, but if I were running a campaign with an unpopular incumbent, the last thing I’d have is a reelection slogan with the initials… WTF.

And all 100,000 of them came to Kalifornia

Illegal immigration from Mexico has slowed dramatically from a few years ago as would-be border crossers are finding more economic and educational opportunities at home.

That's the conclusion of a New York Times feature by Damien Cave, which points to research that suggests only 100,000 illegal immigrants from Mexico, including visa violators, came to America last year. That's down from from the 525,000 who came over each year between 2000 and 2004.
But there's another possible factor behind the diminished stream of Mexican immigrants crossing the U.S. border: the brutal drug wars in Mexico, which have claimed many would-be immigrants as collateral casualties. Mexico has faced surging violence since President Felipe Calderon declared war on the drug cartels in 2006, which has meant that many potential immigrants are electing to stay in the country rather than risk getting caught in the cross fire.

Happy happy me!

Today is my birthday. Who would've thought I'd make it to 30, much less 52?
Now if I can only last until November 2012.......

Thanks to Tom for the picture.

I took the day off and slept in til about 7 when Lisa woke me up with a fresh cup of hot coffee and then made me an outrageous breakfast of eggs fried in bacon grease along with biscuits and the best fucking sausage gravy to ever pass over my lips.
I never have been a birthday kind of guy but if she keeps this shit up today, I'm counting down the days until next years' big day.
Fuck Obama.

I've never been to Daytona. Honest.


My grown nephew and I spent a couple days out at the races for the Coke Zero 400 weekend at the Daytona International Speedway this past weekend.
As we were walking through the old tunnel under NASCAR turn four, I spotted this and immediately thought of you...
As I was capturing this image, my 18 year old nephew asked what I was doing I told him about you and your site. 
He just emailed me that he is one of your newest fans.

Can't say that I blame Pops on this one

In the spring of 1961, President Obama’s father revealed a plan for his unborn son that might have changed the course of American political history.
The elder Barack H. Obama, a sophomore at the University of Hawaii, had come under scrutiny by federal immigration officials who were concerned that he had more than one wife. When he was questioned by the school’s foreign student adviser, the 24-year-old Obama insisted that he had divorced his wife in his native Kenya. Although his new wife, Ann Dunham, was five months pregnant with their child - who would be called Barack Obama II - Obama declared that they intended to put their child up for adoption.
“Subject got his USC wife ‘Hapai’ [Hawaiian for pregnant] and although they were married they do not live together and Miss Dunham is making arrangements with the Salvation Army to give the baby away,’’ according to a memo describing the conversation with Obama written by Lyle H. Dahling, an administrator in the Honolulu office of what was then called the US Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Greed was his downfall

A picture of John Rickleys' coyote, sent in by Dogbreath Sullivan

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Not that Obama gives a flying fuck about our British allies

Highlander Scott McLaren was named today by the MoD after going missing early yesterday morning. (Daily Mail)
The British soldier who was captured by the Taliban and then executed was paraded in front of Taliban leaders after his death.
The Daily Mail reported:
The British soldier snatched and executed by the Taliban yesterday has been named by the MoD as Highlander Scott McLaren.
Highlander McLaren of 4th Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, disappeared from a Nato checkpoint in central Helmand province yesterday, sparking a massive 17-hour search.
It was claimed today that the body of the 20-year-old, from the Sighthill area of Edinburgh, was paraded around like a trophy by his captors.
The serviceman, who had wandered off alone from a checkpoint, is said to have been captured by insurgents from a Helmand village near his base.
He was then killed amid unconfirmed claims that he was tortured and beaten before his corpse was paraded in front of Taliban chiefs, an Afghan district councillor claimed.
The death of Highlander McLaren came as a ‘huge blow’ to those serving alongside him, his colleagues said today.
Read more:
A statement on behalf of his family – parents James and Ann, sister Kirsty and brothers James and Ross – read:
‘We are deeply saddened by the news that our dear son Scott was killed in Afghanistan.
‘We were extremely proud of Scott. He loved the Army and despite his short time in 4 SCOTS had made many friends.
‘Scott was a beloved son to James and Ann and brother to Kirsty, James and Ross. His family and friends; Grandmother Evelyn, Uncle Graham, Aunty Heather and close friend Michael will miss him dreadfully. We will always be thinking of him.
‘We would like to thank everybody for their support and kindness at this time.’
Last month the Obama Administration announced that they were holding peace talks with the Taliban.

Run! The Hope-n-Change cops are here!

There's a post over at Sipsey Street Irregulars today that shows how our Bill of Rights is being eroded, ignored and buried a little at a time.
This post concerns random searches by TSA and their new SWAT teams and no, it's not just going on at airports.
Take a peek and if this doesn't offend the fuck out of you, I'll kiss your ass.

Monday, July 04, 2011

That's my boy......

CharlieGodammit is doing his usual 4th of July and New Years ritual - chasing bottle and sky rockets, the stupid fucker.
I have never had a dog that enjoyed shit like that as much as he does. All my other dogs would be at my feet severely sedated or needing to be on a night like tonight, but this silly motherfucker is outside having a blast. I'm serious, I've tried to call him in a couple of times but he just looks at me like "Yeah, right. This shit is better than getting laid. Fuck off."
Who's gonna argue with that? He's out for the night.

Woo-hoo!!! Party on!!!!

So it's closing in on dark here and the illegal (?) fireworks and gunfire is increasing.
Now, I have no objection to firecrackers or dynamite as long as they're safely detonated by adults or sober adult supervision if you're under the age of ten. And not under my truck or porch.
But celebration of our Glorious Independence by gunfire? In the words of Miss Lisa - "Are you fucking kidding me?"
Gunfire is THE reason we're celebrating.

Gunfire is the life of our Nation. It was bought and paid for by blood shed by gunfire.
Gunfire is the sound of Liberty.
Gunfire is the sound of Resistance.
Gunfire is heard when we vote.
Gunfire is the Red, White and Blue cloth we all love.
Gunfire is the reason I can sit here and write this. Gunfire is the reason that you can read this.
Gunfire is the our voice.

Let's just hope the fuckers that are shooting tonight are shooting into the ground instead of the air.
Fuck Obama.

I'm hers. It's true.

So I was on vacation last week which was a bit of a surprise to me - I thought I was off the week after the 4th, not the week before which really fucked up my plans - I caught the 1st Quarter moon instead of the Full moon on the 14th. Don't ask me why I scheduled my vacation that way, I must've been hungover or something that day.
But it really threw a wrench in my coyote hunting.

No big deal. I've got a new sweetie in my life and it turned out to be the best mistake of my life (the vacation, not Lisa).
She came over on that Friday and stayed until this past Sunday and it was great. We got a chance to get to know each other r-e-a-l good. I mean, we met and then had a few hours here and there and a couple of weekends, but nothing to where we seriously got to know each others' ways and habits, you know?
I'm the kind of person that if we're around each other more than about an hour, you're gonna get on my fucking nerves (Mile Hi can attest to that, we used to commute together) but with Lisa, every minute was a pleasure and no, I'm not saying that just because she'll read this.
Okay, I'm at an age where intimacy is not the deciding factor in a relationship. A big part,  yes, but not a killer. What I'm more interested in are things like sense of humor, compatibility, intelligence, is she high maintenance, does my wolfdog like her, can I keep a Justice shed in the backyard, and can she fucking cook.
She passed on everything the first 2 dates we had except the cooking. Sure, she made her brags but now she had her chance.
I asked her if she could make cream gravy. If she fucked up a simple thing like that, it was done, fini, over. She told me that her cream gravy was "orgasmic." Yeah, right. We'll see.
She wasn't lying.
Let me say that I have had cream gravy (country gravy for you non-okies) all my life. I am a connoisseur of fine cream gravy at the finest truck stops everywhere. But as I was relaxing in my BassPro Camouflage Easy Chair one morning last week, she came into the living room with a spoonful of her gravy and I almost busted a fucking nut on the spot. Oh. My. God. It was fucking great.
And not only was her gravy outrageous, so was everything else she cooked. I swear, I gained another 10 pounds this past week.
And she has other great qualities as well - she gives me my alone time, she cleans house when she's bored (really!) she wants to learn to shoot, CGD loves her to pieces, she finally let me beat her ass at backgammon and last but absolutely not least, she wasn't on my ass about a day in San Francisco the whole time I was on vacation.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot - when we went to Bridgeport (150 miles away over Sonora Pass) for lunch I was harassing her and said something about dumping her there and throwing her her clothes on her front lawn. You know what she objected to about that? Me putting our business on the street. Seriously. How fucking cool is that?

So yeah, my vacation was a mistake - I didn't kill a single coyote but I wouldn't trade it off for the world.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Now that's fucked up

ONONDAGA, N.Y. (AP) — Police say a motorcyclist participating in a protest ride against helmet laws in upstate New York died after he flipped over the bike's handlebars and hit his head on the pavement.
The accident happened Saturday afternoon in the town of Onondaga, in central New York near Syracuse.
State troopers tell The Post-Standard of Syracuse that 55-year-old Philip A. Contos of Parish, N.Y., was driving a 1983 Harley Davidson with a group of bikers who were protesting helmet laws by not wearing helmets.
Troopers say Contos hit his brakes and the motorcycle fishtailed. The bike spun out of control, and Contos toppled over the handlebars. He was pronounced dead at a hospital.