
Friday, January 06, 2012

Fucker oughta be shot

Check out his shirt.
Not only should he be shot but the motherfucker that manufactured them should be drawn and quartered and his factory turned into a pigsty.


  1. Sell them to muslimes, take the profit and buy ammo and shoot the idiots wearing them,,Win WIn

  2. Just remember to be nice to the good man at Microsoft technical Support.

  3. Bush didn't have the balls, or brains.

  4. Bryn, North Wales, UKJanuary 6, 2012 at 9:34 PM

    Saw this pre-Christmas on another site. Was sufficiently annoyed by it that I sent it on to various of your .gov agencies with a suggestion that they use the technical means at their disposal to add this face to as many shit-list databases as possible...

    Still waiting for a reply....


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