
Monday, January 23, 2012

Snivel snivel whine cry

What I'm Giving Up in 2012

Big money makes writing about climate change action and gun control a lost cause.

I generally make New Year's resolutions in hopes of becoming a better person — more disciplined, healthier, or, at the very least, less pathetic. Some of these resolutions last until nightfall. Some don't. None ever sees February.
This year, I'm taking a different approach. I'm going to concentrate on giving up things. Not things like smoking — been there, done that. I mean giving up on ideas I have pursued through the years into one blind alley after another.
Ideas like climate change, for example.
You and I both know that the earth is heating up, right? Everybody knows that, with the possible exception of oil executives, the owners of coal mines, and Republican politicians.
Yet no number of hurricanes, droughts, floods, wildfires, melted glaciers, or columns by granola liberals like me has inspired a somnolent Congress to confront the problem.
Why? Money, of course.
If money is the mother's milk of politics (and it is), then the oil and coal industries are the biggest mothers on the block. They own our political system lock, stock, and sleazebag.
As a result, our energy policies are crafted largely by the extraction industries, which care little if at all about global warming, clean water, or breathable air. Meanwhile, the Earth's poorest nations, who sat back for 200 years while the countries known as "the West" burned forests, polluted the air and water, and made a lot of money, now want their turn at the trough.
It's hopeless. Even if we suddenly got serious about the issue, it's probably too late. We've reached a point where the warming already out there is producing a dynamic that will produce more warming.
So I'm giving up on writing about climate change. You can start the next oil spill without me.
I'm also giving up on gun control.

Over the years, I've written I don't know how many columns urging that some control be placed on the sale of weapons that go bang. Dozens probably, possibly even scores of them.
More of this idiotic blathering and nonsense HERE.


Go ahead and click on the link even if you don't want to read what this idot has to say and check out the comments below the article. It'll do your heart good.
Thanks to Skidmark for the link.


  1. Ideas like climate change, for example.

    You and I both know that the earth is heating up, right? Everybody knows that, with the possible exception of oil executives, the owners of coal mines, and Republican politicians.

    Yet no number of hurricanes, droughts, floods, wildfires, melted glaciers, or columns by granola liberals like me has inspired a somnolent Congress to confront the problem.

    Why? Money, of course.

    He is so full of shit as it's exactly the opposite. All the "believers" are getting big money to run with global warming.

    Myth of Global Warming

    Do you think our founding fathers would have looked at an assault rifle that can fire at a speed of 400 rounds a minute and said: "Oh yeah, that's a good thing to have around the house"? Or "Everybody should have one"?

    Damn right they would. It sure beats a flintlock.

  2. Assault rifles, or any rifle capable of fully automatic fire have been illegal since the 1930s. I'm sure the moonbat pulled the 400 rpm out his rather large and well used rear orifice.

  3. Well, they're not Illegal, if ya have a class 3 dealers license. But unless ya own a gunshop, I don't think I'd want to give up my right of Home privacy, and search and ceasure anytime the Feds want to knock on my door. Glad that asshole is givin up on Global warming and gun control. One asshole down...many to go.
    Watch out for the comin "Solar Storm"!!

  4. any rifle capable of fully automatic fire have been illegal since the 1930s.

    They have stocks for ARs and AKs now that accomplish the same.

  5. All right! I was stuck and looking for blogfodder. This idiot delivered. Thanks for the inspiration, Wirecutter...

  6. Oh, I'm an idiot now?
    Glad I could help.

  7. WC, I'll make my heart gooder just reading the comments on your site.
    Give CGD a belly rub for me.

  8. I did comment, but it changed my "unclescott" to my real name. Thanks for the link... that was fun...

  9. I've seen this guys drivel before.
    I'm sure that he has shelter, heat, plumbing, electricity, food and a safe environment from which to pound out this liberal crap.

    And a probably a Volvo in the caport!

  10. No you're an idot! Har, your spelling.

  11. I can hear Ronald Reagan's ghost right now, " Mr. Kaul, turn in that keyboard!"

  12. Donald Kaul has been a fixture of the Des Moines Register (Motto: Cornfield Communists and Darn Proud of It!) for decades. This is a man who thinks Roosevelt (the evil one) wasn't progressive enough, self-defense is unnecessary if you have enough empathy, and wealth is a finite resource that must be distributed equally in the name of fairness. Unless you're educating the masses, in which case it's OK as you're entitled for having to put up with the great unwashed ignorant. In other words, a bitter resentful hack who is sure anyone who disagrees with him is a knuckle-dragging, racist/sexist oppressor of the poor.

    AKA, '60s liberal.

  13. The only reason that the earth is warming is because of computers, computers generate a lot of heat, and it takes a lot of heat to produce them, therefore Al Gore who invented the Intertubes is the number 1 reason we have global warming and must be charged with endangering the environment.
    This is a Fact I know because I looked it up on the intertubes and found out that 83% of my statistics are made up to support my belief.

  14. Oh, I'm an idiot now?

    Um, no. KAUL is the idiot who delivered the blogfodder:

  15. Just fucking with you Erinyes, just fucking with you.

  16. Actually, the earth stopped warming about ten years ago and we are now in a cooling trend.

    If anyone though the some nice warmer weather was going to be a problem ... Just wait until you see what some cooling does for energy consumption, crop failure, winter death rates and general misery.

    It's real and it will be spectacular. No shit folks. Wait and see. The Warmist twits will be slack-jawed, but will blame it on 'climate change' ... the catch all for dissent.

  17. "Just fucking with you..."

    Oh. Well, um, nevermind!


    Personally, I love this quote:

    The Forces of Darkness are in the saddle, and they're wearing spurs.

    That would make a great anti-Obama bumpersticker.


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