
Sunday, February 05, 2012

Meanwhile, at the San Francisco zoo.....


  1. Are you saying you wouldn't if you could?

  2. Man, I'd never leave the house.:-)

  3. Well, Darryl and Sammy - if you can't reach your own, go down to the Blue Oyster lounge and you'll find some nice guys who will share. Personally, I wold prefer not to have any schlong in my mouth at all.
    Well, OK, maybe one of them there Thai trannies or two, but you know, i mean....

  4. Harry, that was from an old Andrew Dice Clay bit: "If I could suck my own, I'd never leave the house."

    Make an exception for the Thai ladyboys, eh? Reminds me of Tom Mabe prankin' the telemarketer. (If you've not heard it, it's on YouTube. Hilarious.)

    The line that applies is, "I dunno. Couple drinks and...a cute li'l mexican midget..." You gotta check it out.

  5. Ovomit's baby picture?

    Jesus Barbie

    P.S. Fuck ovomit

  6. Sammy - thanks, I'll definitely check that out.
    Those Mexican midgets ARE kinda hot, if you know what I mean. We once had a three way with a lesbian Mexican gal and a donkey but... well that's another story. And I got a DVD for five bucks as a souvenir.

    Yeah, i had to do the Blue Oyster setup just to get to the ladyboy line. Somehow it makes better sense when you're flying Wild Turkey Airlines.

    And i DO wonder what the Dice Man has been up to in recent years - he just disappeared. Maybe he got into politics.


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