
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Whoa, this sounds familiar

US Official - Taliban didn't shoot down drone in Pakistan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. official denied Taliban claims on Saturday that the militants shot down a U.S. drone in Pakistan but declined further comment.
Pakistani intelligence officials said a U.S. drone may have crashed in North Waziristan, not far from the Afghan border.


Seems like I read something similar just a few months ago, just before that cocksucker Obama got his ass handed to him by the Iranians.
And as always, I have a solution: If you don't want your shit shot down (or up), don't fly over other peoples' property.
Simple as that.

1 comment:

  1. I heard the govment want to use these thing to prevent domestic terrorism, don't think they won't be "crashing" if they intend to do it here.


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