
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fuck the Two Party system

Americans will soon have their choice for the 2012 presidential race: Mitt Romney versus Barack Obama. But one group, Americans Elect, is determined to give voters a third choice for president. Americans Elect is out to shake up the voting process, taking nominations and votes for a third party candidate online, and promising to put a candidate on the ballot of every state come November.
The group is telling voters, "you've got somewhere else to go," said Elliot Ackerman, Americans Elect's chief operating officer. "We're going to put a small-i, independent, on the ballot in all 50 states, and every registered voter in this country - they don't have to be a Republican or a Democrat - they can participate."
The group's top declared candidate is Buddy Roemer, who at the time of writing had just under 3,200 supporters. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Tex, is listed as a draft candidate and has about double the number of supporters; Paul is currently seeking the Republican nomination for president. Former Utah governor Jon Huntsman and Bernie Sanders are also listed as draft candidates.
But does the group think any of their candidates -- declared, draft, or otherwise -- can actually win the general election? And how will Americans Elect support them through the 2012 race? Check out this week's Spinners and Winners to find out.


  1. I want a 3rd party choice as much as the next guy. But I don't want one in 2012.. We have but one choice in 2012. It's Romney or Obama. We have a choice between what we know. Obama will appoint at least ONE more SCOTUS judge who will be young and Far left. Or Romney who will appoint at least one judge who will be young and at least center at best right of center.

    We have a choice between keeping holder for 4 more years or getting him gone. Romney will not keep him.

    On Nov 7th we should start working on a real viable 3rd party. That way Romney will know we are watching.

    Romney isn't the best but he's going to be the best we got at the time. Hang some hope on it and then we'll watch him like a hawk. Best course of action I think...

  2. As rife w/ back-stabbing partisanship as the 2 party system is, i believe that it is probably these very deficiencies that are the major points in the checks n balances that keep us from totalitarianism.
    under a 3 party sys, 2 united minority parties could swamp a majority.
    you think the dissatisfaction is bad now....

  3. Don't forget: no matter who you vote for, the government wins. Until we figure that out there will be only two choices.

  4. A third part now will guana-fucking-tee that bho is reelected. Fuck that shit! If we want a third f'n party shoot for 2016 but start TODAY with the purpose, direction and MONEY And it is going to cost, and I mean big time, every damm one of us who want to follow this road. You want a third party, ante up or shut the fuck up! Santorum would have been a better voice than mittens but he lacked the cash because the average Joe would't dig deep in his wallet! Remember the old saying, money talks and bull shit walks? Well it especially is going to come it into play if there is ever an attempt to get a third party going. My $.02, ain't never going to happen.

  5. Anon, do you vote ONLY in presidential elections?
    I'm at the polls at least once every 2 years and that's barring any special elections.

    It may be too late to get a 3rd Liar in for the presidential election this year, but there's time for the others.

  6. Wirecutter, I gotta agree with Bushwacker -- we gotta get Obummer and his cronies out of office as soon as possible!

    I'm all in favor of a viable third party. What worries me about starting one now is that it could dilute the anti-Obullshit vote and split it in such a way that Odipshit gets re-elected. A scary proposition!

  7. I'm all for a third party in this cycle as long as it consists of leftists and commies. Who is "Americans Elect"? Looks to me like a bunch of commies and RINOS hell-bent on getting Obama re-elected by splitting the vote. No thanks.

  8. THAT is exactly what I'm sayin Tom.
    If people with this "GOOD Wish" don't get their head out of their ass, and vote for WHO the FUCK EVER the republicans are running, simply to get this socialist bastard OUT...a "Third Party" in America, will NEVER even have a chance.

    Damnit Ken...Vote For The Republican...yeah..probably the Rhino Romney. But fuck man...a vote for a "Third Party candidate"? Is a vote for hussain.

    As I tell my wife..."As much as I would have liked to have seen Ross Perot President...your vote for him, gave us 4 more years of Clinton. Thank you very fuckin much". :-(

    DON'T DO THAT shit again!!! ANYTHING is better than barry Hussain!! Seriously Ken...


    I'm voting for Obama - I need blog material.

  10. I have to agree with Bushwack, Kenny. Obama is the worst thing that ever happened to us. Another 4 years of this prick will ruin this country. And you know...nobody wants a third party more than me.

    If Romney puts Christie on as his running mate- you can stick a fork in that asshole...

    Fuck Obama


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