
Monday, April 09, 2012

Stunning lack of diversity in Obama campaign

A photo of Obama’s “army” originally posted on the campaign’s Tumblr site and run in conjunction with a BuzzFeed story on the Obama campaign reveals a stunning lack of diversity among the president’s Chicago staff.
The Obama campaign’s Chicago headquarters has it all—from Jack Daniels and Ping Pong to bouncy balls and ironic desk mementos.
Yet the “army of twenty-somethings” campaign manager Jim Messina has assembled in the president’s hometown is almost uniformly white, according to photos contained in a detailed BuzzFeed report Monday.


Looks like the blacks have seen through his broken promises and empty speeches and dumped his sorry ass. The only ones that want anything to do with him are folks that still have that 'Perfect World' dream in their silly little yuppie heads.


  1. Ok. Now you White guys can see this: It aint us mestizo-colored Latinos that elected the fuck. It was a bunch of White dumbasses who want to screw hippy chicks.

  2. get a good look at this crew...they ALL look like effin moonies, or worse..those magazine subscription pukes that used to darken my door. that is till i let my dog answer it once or twice. the word got out quick, and now, even the bible thumpers bypass us.

  3. The africans will be right there in the halfricans pocket when it counts in November, count on it!!

  4. Only the whites are actually willing to work.

  5. If not for the white liberal, Obama would still be in Chitown.


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