
Sunday, May 27, 2012

On a Sunday, no less.

Motherfucking fed that checked me out is probably pissed off as hell that he/she's having to work Memorial Day weekend, and thinking that it's bullshit, what happened to that cushy government job that allows me to walk all over anybody I want to?


  1. The state dept puke is probably looking at the sunday pics. You should send the page visit to Hillary, have her track down the idiot looking at your blog on a .gov computer.


  2. I used to get the same hits on my old blog. Government types from Reston, which is no doubt where Washington computers are routed from. They're generated by certain search terms but the one you got here is bizarre. Maybe someone else tipped them off to your blog! It ain't paranoia and all that... I probably get them now, I just don't have sitemeter installed. Stopped giving a shit about who comes to my blog a long time ago.

  3. Well, fuck you then. See if I come to your blog anymore.

    Enjoy your 3 days off, partner. Try not to get too fucked up.

  4. Oh Shit, that probably means they monitor the comments also, if that's the case let me take this opportunity to say; FUCK YOU OBAMA, twice even.

  5. Fuck em,don`t let the dickhead`s get under yer skin man.

  6. Wirecutter in the vote off for the Coolest SOB In The Conservative Blogosphere

  7. Maybe the Feds are just checking out the MILFS. Have you seen what they have to look at these days?

  8. They're just here for the boobs.

  9. "Well, fuck you then. See if I come to your blog anymore.

    Enjoy your 3 days off, partner. Try not to get too fucked up."

    LOL! Of course I meant the government types. Hey, check this shit out:

    What a bunch of fucktards. Keep the shiny side up today, fuck Obama and remember the heros that made it possible for us to say that!

  10. I live near that site. Checked the coordinates and it is the Reston golf course.
    My guess: government dude is using his government issued blackberry thingy to show MILF and Cameltoe pics to his foursome.


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