
Monday, May 21, 2012

Parents of the Year

In the silent footage from the laundromat's security camera, the dad scoops up the diaper-clad toddler, shoves him head first into the front-loading washer, and shuts the door. He and the mom seem amused at first, but panic quickly sets in when they realize that they can't get the washer door open. It's locked automatically, and the tot is trapped inside as the washer starts to run.


  1. Had I not seen it, I would not have believed it and even now I find it hard to beleive that people are that fucking stupid!

    All the best,
    Glenn B

  2. What I should have said, in my previous comment, was that assholes never cease to amaze me!

  3. What the fucking fuck? I hope those two assholes ended up in jail for almost drowning their child. These two are in that sweet spot where they're fucking stupid enough to do this crap, but not so stupid that they have to have someone hold their hand while they cross the street.

  4. This video warmed my heart. One of my pet peeves is that with all the safety features on every damn thing these days there aren't enough opportunities for the stupid people to eliminate themselves from the genetic pool.

  5. That must have happened on Friday.


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