
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Teacher to student: Talk shit about Obama and go to jail

Last Monday, a high school student in North Carolina engaged his social studies teacher in a heated debate about politics and the two leading presidential candidates. During the exchange, the teacher (an obvious Obama supporter) got very angry with the student and accused him of disrespecting the president. She even went so far as to tell the boy that he could be jailed for speaking ill of Obama.
Sarah Campbell of the Salisbury Post first reported on the story. She claims that the school district is not releasing the name of the teacher and that she is not responding to requests for public comment (although the two students identified her to the newspaper). According to Campbell’s story, the teacher will not be suspended or even face disciplinary action for what was heard on the recording. A statement from the school was released at the end of the week:
“The Rowan-Salisbury School System expects all students and employees to be respectful in the school environment and for all teachers to maintain their professionalism in the classroom. This incident should serve as an education for all teachers to stop and reflect on their interaction with students. Due to personnel and student confidentiality, we cannot discuss the matter publicly.”
 Go HERE for more and video


  1. She even went so far as to tell the boy that he could be jailed for speaking ill of Obama.

    No, not 'till next month.

    Unless they've already passed that law hidden in the depths of one zillion-page bill or another.

  2. Yeah, the Youtube clip audio is priceless. I love how the obviously black kid is asking if Obama bullied a girl too!

    There's hope for our youth...

  3. The boy is a patriot. Bravo for questioning the status qou!

  4. Fuck Obama and the Union Thugs that support him, it is time we kicked the bad teachers out, Fuck the unionization of Socialism.

  5. Man, that bitch would imitate an atomic explosion if she heard my comments about that motherfucker.

    Fuck the fucking fucker.

  6. Tolerance, co exist, be the change that you want in the world. That is the bullshit rhetoric of the left.

    Close minded motherfuckers with a Kenyan leader. Az. secretary of state now asking Ha. for the long form.

    Obama is a fucking fraud. This teacher should be suspended. Lefties practice censorship. Free speech? Only when it agrees with their views. Huffpo pricks.

    Fuck Obama.

  7. Oooww Lawdy ,dee Obama messiah done mo to deliver de darkie`s from evil whitey ,den yol marse Linkum!.

  8. These fuckin people are so over protective of this guy,you would think we were talking about a child here.Lookit you asshole`s very few people "hate " Obama the dad ,husband,basketball playin golfin cool dude!. IT`S HIS GODDAMN LEFTIST COMMUNIST POLITIC`S ! ! !.

  9. That birch needs to taken to a re-education facility to undo her liberal bullshit education/indoctrination brain washing. Hopefully in 7 months her sorry ass will be choking on her retortical verbage.


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