
Saturday, June 30, 2012

All right Goddammit, I'm back.

Sorry about the absence, had some shit to take care of. Get off my ass.
I know, I missed out on commenting on the Health Care ruling but really, what the fuck did you expect? What I'm curious about is everybody's reaction when Romney gets elected and decides not to repeal but to tweek it around instead. Motherfuckers need to remember that ObamaCare was modeled after Romney's plan in Massachusetts. He ain't repealing shit, bet me some money on that.


  1. There's a big difference between what he did and what Obama did, Kenny. The Constitution specifically states that any powers not delegated by it to Congress are left to the states or to the people. Romney understands that he and the citizens of Massachusetts were well within their power to enact statewide health care. He also understands that the federal government is *not* empowered by the Constitution to do it nationwide.

  2. No bets here Kenny. I figured from
    day one that "willard" was nothing but an elite limp wristed, perfumed up pussy, that would wear a suit and tie just to mow the yard. He's going to stand with the "country club for dinner" bunch
    and fuck the little guy.

  3. Well maybe if you said you were gonna be busy ppl wouldn't ask, Sheesh.........You are one grumpy mother fucker...........

  4. No bet.
    Government, regardless of who's in charge, is not gonna give up power. And this is the single largest grab of power since FDR.
    If you'll excuse me I have to check a few things in the safe.

  5. If I didn't know better, I would have thought someone had you tied up somewhere. I'm not so much interested in what the Pres, Obama or Romney, will do. But who we put in the House and Senate and what THEY will do about it.

  6. Read you all the time brochacho. You're one of my online hero's!
    Take Miss Lisa out for dinner, give CGD a pig ear to chew and take'er easy.
    Sheeple better wake up...there's a whole different world out there gonna eat'em up otherwise, come November.
    Go Green folks...conserve food, water and ammo. We'll need all the above if the sheeple re-elect this numbskull in the fall!
    God...Please...look favorably upon us sinners and bless America once us come to our senses in this time of need.

  7. I figured we would be hearing about you on CNN or MSNBC after the "Agents" got you "Mr Anderson"

    Romney....what a fucking pussy looking no balls having CHICKENHAWK.

  8. Yeah,probably so.I damn sure don`t expect much from Obama`s cracker clone.In fact the corporate fascist oligarch`s agenda may even go into overdrive under Obamney.

  9. I have thought the same thing. I think he will blink and tell us it's all too complicated to unravel and reap any reward ... so let's just move forward with it and make it more palatable.

    We must remember that health care is a CONTROL tool and that control is something that conservatives would like too ... after all ... aren't all politicians the fucking control freak dweebs that ran for student council when you were in school? Didn't everyone hate them then? Those are the same shit-heads who are now in office and in beauracracies running all aspects of our lives .... with the help of the new health care program ....

    Here's how it works in Canada where we already have socialist healthcare. ..... no matter what you want to do .... if there is any chance it may lead to a visit to the public healthcare system .. then you are a fucking ingrate and a motherfucker for needlessly costing your fellow tax payers money to heal your bobo. Therefore ,... those activities will be banned.

    Now that health care premiums have been ruled a TAX .... then we are all in this together ... it's another collective ... a health collective and you may have no choice about eventually ... about whether or not you want to participate .....

    In Canada the system is bankrupting the provinces slowly and eventually very quickly. It's a money pit and the service you get from the unionized healthcare workers is not going to be very pleasant.

  10. Fuck. As long as you continue Milfy Mondays ... and consider Camel Toe Tuesdays, you can lose yourself (kidding)

  11. Glad to see they didn't drone attack your greasy ass.

  12. @ Shell: Well, he's now 'legally' empowered, thanks to those gutless fucksticks on SCOTUS. But I'm certain he's going to take the Constitutional tack and repeal the whole mess.

    I'm also equally certain that purple monkeys will fly backwards out of my ass singing "Dinah Blow Your Horn." Please do us all a favor and stop trying to pimp Mittens to those of us with a grasp on reality, kthxbi.

  13. Only 150+ pages deal with health care. What bills are in the package that are going screw us? There are over 2000 pages in this health care crap and like Pilosi says....we will be surprised.
    Papa Mike


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