
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gotta be California (again)

I have said in the past and I'll say it again: I have absolutely nothing against gay folks. Fuck whoever you want as long it's between consenting adults and private. It doesn't affect me, I don't care, live and be Free.
But this shit? Keep your fetishes to yourselves, away from me and for damned sure away from anywhere that a youngster may be. I would be offended if I saw a straight couple doing this in public.
Still funny, though.....


  1. I'm speechless, absolutely speechless.

  2. This is what we are supposed to tolerate as per the lib-turd educators and politicians in this country. Yet our kids cannot be exposed to songs like God Bless the USA because it may offend someone. This offends me and my sensibilities as a normal human being. If it was up to me, they would all be receiving therapy in the basement of a lunatic asylum.

    I am joyful that I only lived in Califonia for 4 years and that it was still fairly conservative in the Imperial Valley when I lived there. If I had to have lived in San Fransicko, I probably would have... I'll keep it to myself. New York is nowhere as bad except maybe around the Halloween and Gay Pride parades.

    That stuff is just plain sick.

    All the best,
    Glenn B

  3. Nice knee pads. Where they a gift? or a requirement?

  4. At least he provided proper protection for his pet... padded booties :P

    ...notice the people in the back :)

  5. MissK - notice they're keeping their distance?

  6. make me want to barf........
    I bet obama would want them for his sons....

  7. Yap, I noticed that Wirecutter, very cautiously following and filming.. educational video no doubt.

  8. I wouldn't let that fuckstick suck your dick.

  9. Batman and Robin are gay? wow, who'da thunk it. ;)

  10. Do u people think about queers all the time?Come on out.We dont care if u suck dick.
    Bill Fletcher

  11. It looks like they're right where they the gutter.

  12. The president of the United States of America has legitimized those people and their relationships. Now Obama owns those twisted fucks.

    I don't care what people do in privacy, but I can't tolerate their parades and their in your face sicknesses.

    Think about it .... Obama's central targeted voters are Blacks, Fagots, Illegal aliens, dead people and any fringe white fuck stupid enough to cast a vote for this Marxist, Muslim, Kenyan..

    What is left of normal, white America had better vote for the other guy.

  13. SHOCKING, Where is the Pooper Scooper?

  14. "I would be offended if I saw a straight couple doing this in public."

    If a straight couple were doing this in public...

    1. Libs would be offended if it was a woman dressed up as a dog. Thats sexist.

    2. Libs aka feminists would be cheering on if it was a man as the dog with the woman holding the leash. Grrl power and all that.


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