
Thursday, June 07, 2012

Now this is something to look forward to

A number of conservative bloggers allege they have been targeted through the use of harassment tactics such as SWAT-ting (fooling 911 operators into sending emergency teams to their homes), in retaliation for posts they have written, and now Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., has stepped into the matter. He has sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder urging him to investigate the SWAT-ting cases to see if federal laws have been violated...

ABC News spoke with two prominent conservative bloggers who were victims of SWAT-ting, a hoax tactic used by some hackers to infiltrate a victim’s phone system, often through voice over IP (VOIP) technology to make calls appear as if they are coming from a residence. The perpetrators call police to report a violent crime at that home to which the police respond, sometimes with SWAT teams.


  1. They can get them on "Use of interstate communications to commit a crime" or what ever legalese they use. All it takes is their provider bouncing the call out of state.

  2. yeah right. Holder needs to be in prison himself. if its not on big ears agenda he dont care. fuck obama.

  3. One of the instigators of this is a little cocksucker named Brett Kimberlin. A real Liberal douchebag, he lives here in Maryland and the police know he does it yet they can't get the evidence to throw the book at the little son of a bitch. Google his'll se what ya get. He's been a Liberal instigator since he got outta prison and one of his benefactors is that worthless cunt Barbara Streisand.

  4. and for help they are turning to the POS in the DOJ ?


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