
Sunday, July 01, 2012

DHS emasculates the Border Patrol even further

(Fox News) — Border Patrol agents in Arizona are blasting their bosses for telling them, along with all other Department of Homeland Security employees, to run and hide if they encounter an “active shooter.”
It’s one thing to tell civilian employees to cower under a desk if a gunman starts spraying fire in a confined area, say members of Tucson Local 2544/National Border Patrol Council, but to give armed law enforcement professionals the same advice is downright insulting. The instructions from DHS come in the form of pamphlets and a mandatory computer tutorial.
“We are now taught in an ‘Active Shooter’ course that if we encounter a shooter in a public place we are to ‘run away’ and ‘hide’” union leader Brandon Judd wrote on the website of 3,300-member union local. “If we are cornered by such a shooter we are to (only as a last resort) become ‘aggressive’ and ‘throw things’ at him or her. We are then advised to ‘call law enforcement’ and wait for their arrival (presumably, while more innocent victims are slaughtered).” [...]
But members of Local 2544 say they are obligated to protect the public in such a situation, whether they are on duty or not. Given the instructions, some wonder if they would be disciplined for taking down a gunman in a situation like the Fort Hood shooting or the January, 2011 case in Casa Adobes, in which a deranged gunmen shot 19 people, including Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Six people were killed.
“It is always comforting to know that for those of us who carry a weapon when we are off-duty, if we should encounter such a situation, stop a shooter and save countless lives, we can look forward to being disciplined or fired by the Border Patrol because we should have run away to hide and then maybe thrown objects at the deranged killer instead of taking action and stopping him with a firearm,” the union local’s website says.


  1. Technically shooting is alot like throwing things ain't it?

  2. Run away, run away!

  3. they are doing their level best to emasculate the few good law enforcement people that do exist

  4. It's the logical conclusion of liberalism. Even those who are trained for their jobs must render their selves defenseless. Only the leadership is permitted personal defense.

    Maybe a few of them will wake up.

  5. I think Hanlon's Razor applies here: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

  6. The only reason for dhs (Lowercase on purpose)to issue these instructions is that they need larger body counts in these situations so that obama can use said incident in order to undermine gun rights. We can't have armed men taking out terrorists! That won't help the policy of "fundamental transformation"!

  7. Of course they are not supposed to shoot back, the Postal Service has seniority.

  8. Fuck the lilly livered limp wristed pussies that are giving these kinds of orders. Just ignore their stupid asses that haven't got a fucking clue about what goes on at the borders. It just has to hurt to be that fucking stupid!!!!!!!!!

  9. My personal inclination would be to shoot the stupid @$@!!%% who came up with this rule. Dumbasses.

    The list is getting pretty long...


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