
Monday, July 09, 2012

I should probably go, huh?

Yeah, you read that headline right. The lobbying and policy shop Strategic Health Care is hosting a “White Trash Reception on the Hill” next week. We get forwarded a lot of reception invites here at the Alley and we’ve never seen one quite like this before. [...]
Just to make sure we weren’t getting punked, we phoned Swickard, the firm’s director of government relations, to ask if the invitation is legit. It is.
She said the party at the firm’s Capitol Hill townhouse gathers lobbyists, Hill staffers and health industry types for some happy hour fun. The firm throws themed parties every couple of months, though past themes have included the decidedly less edgy pirate and cherry blossom varieties.
Thanks to Greg for the link.


  1. dont know whether to be glad that we have a following or appalled because most of us look nothin like that...

  2. Dont do it wirecutter it might be a trap !!

  3. I will laugh my ass off when this crowd gets over run by the golden horde. I will walk by non-plussed as they dangle from lamp posts.

  4. It`s one of the oldest strategy`s in the book : called dehumanizing the enemy.Psych-warfare 101,make those you are trying convince to do your murdering for you,believe the opponent`s are some subhuman species....It won`t work here. Who would do such a thing here in Fruitopia ?, the land of milk and honey where the streets are paved with gold. By the way Wirecutter I`m surprised you have`nt posted any of Barney Frank`s wedding picture`s . checkout the attendee`s.


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