
Saturday, August 18, 2012

He doesn't look real happy, does he?


  1. No , and probably with good reason. Comrade Stalin ordered group's of party goon's to follow front line troop's during attack's. These REMF's would set up machine gun's at a safe distance from the contact point. If anyone got cold feet and tried to dee dee , they would be shot by their own " Comrade's ".

  2. I've seen this pic before.
    The young man is definately ready to tcob

  3. Nice grenade collection. Variety is the spice of life!

  4. A better question is: What is he afraid of? Answer: Not a fuckin thing!

  5. When a reasonable estimate of your lifespan can be measured in days or at best weeks it would be kind of tough to be all happy and cheerful. Russian troops were double screwed....they got hammered by the Germans, and if that didn't get them they got bent over by their own government. To
    Uncle Joe a soldier truly wasn't worth as much as even an old truck.

    Kind of like how Obummer, Jarrett, Ayers etc. look at most of us.

  6. What is the weapon?

  7. its a ppsh. you can still get them, de-mil'd of course)

  8. No wonder he's not happy; all that armament probably weighs more than he does.

  9. One drum mag...then two impossible to fire accuratly in DA Nagant wonder he has so many grenades.

    Oh...the Nagants? Reload like a Blackhawk...only slower as you gotta rotate the extractor around. DA trigger pull is about 25 pounds.

    And with those PPSh's...the drums were, from what I understand, hand fitted to the gun. I don't see any stick magazines. So, he's likely got 71+7+7 then...grenades.

    I'm also imagining this is a staged pic so as to imply every Russki was armed to the teeth and ready for war.


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