
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Highs in the 80s and low 90s? Light shit, man.

In France, it is known as the canicule. In English, it’s simply called a heat wave. And while speakers of both languages can probably agree that oppressively hot weather typically renders people sluggish and listless, the trauma of France’s last major canicule in 2003 has the country’s authorities in overdrive.
French weather services have forecasted temperatures in the mid to high 30s Celsius (high 80s to low 90s Farenheit) in the coming days, which, after a summer of mediocre weather, has come to some as a welcome reprieve. But while some Parisians plan evening picnics on the edge of the Seine and others eagerly look forward to a weekend on the beach, the ministry of health has been busy taking precautions against the sweltering heat.


I'm happy when it's in the low nineties - once it tops 100 I'm looking for shade and I put my chores and anything I else I have to do til after dark once it goes above 110.
I do remember though, coming home on leave from Germany in the middle of their heat wave back in August of 1980, and when I stepped off the plane here I almost fucking died. Temps in the 90s back in Germany and motherfuckers were dying like flies, and here it was 100 degrees at 9 PM.


  1. The global warming freaks will be using this as proof that we are causing this heat by simply living on the planet and we should all fuck off and die.

  2. Well, I agree - everybody else should fuck off and die.
    I'm in one of those moods again....

  3. Wire
    Well this will help your mood, here in Ohio it the mid 70's with a light breeze. You gotta git out of Kalifornia dude, here there's no earthqfires, no fires and I live on the lake so there's always a nice breeze. You can also own just about any weapon you want.
    I was trying to email ya something, but it wouldn't go through, is your email closed? I got a funny picture for ya.

  4. I'm a Texan, 100+ in July/August, -10 in Dec/Jan. And maybe 6 weeks of good decent spring and fall weather. And WC, go take a nap. You're crankier than usual.

  5. Pussies. That's our overnight low 'round these parts...

  6. ANd here I am basking in a high of 72 and breezy with a low expected of 55...


    Highlander (and thats why I live in the mountains!)

  7. Don't know how you do it. I have to unzip my winter coat when it's above 10 degrees. I drink 5 gallons of water or soda (or beer) a day in the summer, and don't pee from June until Labor Day. I just can't imagine the stones on people who lived out your way w/out AC in the past.

  8. Ha Ha !, Yeah I spent 12yrs. in N.D. and Minn. then went to south Louisiana for 6 yrs. That first summer I spent down there I thought it was gonna kill me.

  9. Here in Missourah we have had numerous days in the upper 90's and low 100's. Mid August (typically the hottest month) arrived and suddenly we have days in the 80's and nights in the high 50' and low 60's. Makes for some great sleeping with the windows open.


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