
Friday, August 17, 2012

Only 400 feet? Easy shot, Stud.

The Ogden Police Department wants to fly an unmanned surveillance blimp at a height of just 400 feet over high crime areas of the city to watch for “suspicious activity,” but an initial request for approval was rejected by the FAA on the basis that the program would be a safety risk.
Recently released FAA documents obtained by the Electronic Frontier Foundation illustrate how law enforcement bodies across the country are rushing to deploy drones and surveillance blimps with scant regard for the fourth amendment or privacy rights.


  1. All I can think about is oxymoron.

  2. Those fucking baloons could make for great targets! Of course, only if legal.

  3. I say Acetylene baloons could do the trick.

  4. I live in Ogden. This project has been scrapped, thank God. And yes, lots of people know how to shoot that terrible distance of 400 feet.

  5. Oh yes, and this is the city I live in.

  6. Fattest goose ever. I'd like to see that mounted over someones fireplace.

  7. Buckshot is going to reach out that far- just sayin'...

  8. Why 400 feet? VFR minimum altitude is 500 feet AGL above an obstacle in a occupied area.

    Visual Flight Rules
    Above Ground Level

    I'm a hanger nerd.

  9. I keep seeing pictures of a 4 rotor surveillance drone that police want to deploy and I keep thinking 10 gauge with a tukey or goose load or if you prefer a 3.5 inch 12 would do it too.

  10. Like Dean said. Balloons, drones... First word that comes to my mind is PULL : )

  11. We already have one down here. Called Fat Albert. Watches everything from Havana to the mainland.


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