
Tuesday, September 04, 2012

How's that Hope and Change workin' out for you?

Food-stamp use reached a record 46.7 million people in June, the government said, as Democrats prepare to nominate President Barack Obama for a second term with the economy as a chief issue in the campaign.
Participation was up 0.4 percent from May and 3.3 percent higher than a year earlier and has remained greater than 46 million all year as the unemployment rate stayed higher than 8 percent. New jobless numbers will be released Sept. 7.
“Too many middle-class families who have fallen on hard times are still struggling,” Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in an e-mailed statement today. “Our goal is to get these families the temporary assistance they need so they are able to get through these tough times and back on their feet as soon as possible.”


  1. But,But it's Buusshes fault.........

  2. Did you read (I say read because I couldn't watch it) Moochelle's speach yesterday? Every other word was about assistance and aid.

  3. Here we go; Bill Clinton is the keynote speaker this evening at the DNC Convention. The Dems have been hammering on about how the GOP is against women and women's rights. Who other than good old Billy "womanizer" boy to address and jazz up the base.
    This guy has raped and defiled so many women that most of us would not allow to be around our kids or grand kids. Lied in the depositions, Impeached and took a plea so all of the sorrid facts would not come out. And this is the guy they trapse out to represent the women loving Democratic party. You just can't make this shit up.

  4. Will the newly unemployed Government Motor's people get more freebie's than the rest ?. JOB CREATION ! Ha Ha Hee Hee Ho Ho , ! who would listen to anything these two faced bastard's have to say .

  5. I think it's kinda funny that they're not releasing the latest unemployment number until AFTER Obama's speech tonight. I wonder if they were afraid how stupid it would make them look releasing them beforehand. And, oh yeah, FUCK OBAMA!!


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