
Sunday, September 09, 2012

Read the last sentence twice.

- RDM73


  1. WTF is a gross understatement

  2. OH HELL NO! And I bet the car was a newer model Cadillac Escalade. Why is this even happening? grrrrrr I need to go clean something.

  3. This happened in Brunswick GA where my mother-in-law lives. No, it wasn't an Escalade, it was a Seville that was about 7 years old. The story that went around Brunswick was that this POS tried to file an insurance claim for her "designer" purse and wallet, missing cash, and value of the food stamps, but there was no damage to the car. The insurance adjuster agreed for the purse/wallet and cash but she had to file with the state to get replacement food stamps. The kicker was she had a $2500 deductible...

  4. Un-freaking-believable!!!
    Yeah.... I'd like to "clean" something....

  5. I hope it was a tax payer what stole it.

  6. Can I give Woodsterman a hug? Best comment today...

  7. Now she knows what we feel like.

  8. Why wasn't she arrested for fraud on the spot? At the very least, an investigation??? There are so many of these stories that cause instant rage.

  9. Templar in Georgia said... Lots of rich welfare cases here.. I found my neighbor across the street is getting food stamps.. true, he hasn't worked in 5 years. He has turned-down several good job offeres because they didn't pay what he thought he was worth.. typical union mentality...


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