
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Judge Jeanine punks out Obama and Hillary

Stolen from American Perspective


  1. Holy shit that was fuckin' awesome!

  2. If anyone actually saw that, it would leave a mark, but with our white house propaganda fronts, no one will...

  3. Here's hoping the HTML is recognized:

    [URL=""]Once a month until the election (final entry)[/URL] via [URL=""]The Smallest Minority[/URL]

  4. Spectacular!

    I am stunned this was on TV

    That is one of the most powerful news editorials I've ever seen. There are a few left in the media with a spine.

  5. How about "Fast & Furious" East! Cover up of sending the Libyan arsenal to the AQ in Syria!! Treasonous!!

  6. Fox has been hitting hard on this for a while now, the problem is the other so called media sweeps it under the rug. Barry could burn the old folks home down on christmas eve, and the media would barely cover it. There are so many things that asshole Barry could be impeached for, but the House and Senate do not have the balls to do it. Obama is guily of so many crimes its not even funny. Lets hope he is a one termer.

  7. What a waste. Instead of someone like this sitting on the Supreme Court, we have a oscar Mayor, dyke Kagen and bitter Ginsburg.

  8. Peaowed, and thought I would never say this, but add John Roberts to your list, damn traitor.


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