
Monday, October 29, 2012

Um, that ain't gonna work, guys. Sorry.

A sandbag 'wall' outside the NYSE (according to Yahoo) this morning.
It needs to be at least 3 alternating layers thick and 3 feet high to keep standing water out. If the water's moving, build higher and thicker. Oh yeah, the little opening you have there on the left just defeated the purpose of the 'wall'. That's a waste of the 15 minutes you just spent doing that......


  1. Brought to you by the OWSers. Yeah, they built that...

  2. Oh those sophisticated, gubmint 1%ers, with their self-defined mandate to save us all. WTF do they really know? Their cobbled-together lifelines are riddled with granny knots. As a 13 yr old Webelos, I had a better set of survival skills than these narcissistic, middle-aged Ivy PhDs. More common sense, too.

  3. "As a 13 yr old Webelos"

    You cross over into Boy Scouts at age 11.

    But I get your point. My 15 year old son, who has been a scout since Tigers, has more self more Self Reliance skills than a score of OWSers.

  4. Easterners, what do they know?

  5. Hey BobG, I hope you are not including New Englanders in your Easterners stereotyping, 'cause we're far better at sandbagging than any New Yawkah.

    Is that photo for real?

    Damn Easterners.

  6. They should use HESCO barriers.

  7. You are obviously uninformed. The breaks in the sand bag line are so any handicapped individuals in wheelchairs can have access to the building being protected.

    /picks up 64 oz Big Gulp


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