
Monday, November 26, 2012

And quit throwing your shitpaper on the floor


  1. Where in the heck is this a problem? I want to stay way, way, way away from any bathroom that feels it is necessary to post this.

  2. Travelin Light and Well HeeledNovember 26, 2012 at 1:11 AM

    it about fuckin time someone posted that it not always easy to find a quiet place in the woods damn concrete jungle's

  3. This is a problem anywhere you have muzlems. They use a bomb site to crap and proper toilet use is beyond their understanding so they will stand on the rim of the bowel and try to use it like a bomb site shitter - usually spraying down the entire area.

  4. We work in a pretty high tech facility. Occasionally we'll contract some company to come in a vacuum off the rafters/trusses/I-Beams overhead. They wear vacuums on their backs and uses man lifts. MOST of them speak no english. Although to get into the plant, the company must be bonded for 1 Mil. The plant is normally closed during this time.

    I had to come in and start the plant up after the above work was completed. Had to take a post thanksgiving crap and yep, ALL OVER THE FLOOR was crap paper...

    I called our Plant manager and engineer who hired these fucknuts told them, the shit would be on the floor until they got someone to clean it up. Sure as hell wasn't going to be me or my team. ROTTEN STINKIN FUCKS!..

    Thanks WC for starting my day off remembering that shit!


  5. bode - It's a problem everywhere that cheap labor is used. California to Arizona to northern Canada. It's everywhere.

  6. I've seen shit sprays in bathrooms in SoCal and this leads me to understand the problem.

  7. I suppose a race of people who voted over 70% for the tyrant that currently infests the white house need to be taught how to take a shit.

    You will never teach that to the niggas. They vote over 90% Obama. They are like fucking pigeons, they will continue to shit everywhere.

    I have noted that Negros walk like pigeons. Think about that.

  8. The library I clean needs that sign! Sick fuckin' bastards. They will spray their runny disharges all over the toilet and walls. Write on the walls using shit and all kinds of other sick stuff. Leave it to the public.


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