
Friday, November 02, 2012

Gotta be California (again)

This HAS to be California. Matter of fact it seems like I've been hearing some shit out of San Francisco about banning circumcision.
It's gotta be that muslim thing......


  1. I believe it was that fucking cunt Nancy Pelosi who was responsible for that movement. But, I reserve the right to be wrong.

  2. They are given a voice as to their fore skin but are not allowed to make a decision as to life.

  3. Mudslimes and Jews both mutilate their sons. It is time to end this barbaric practice. If a grown man wants to get his dick snipped, let him, don't do it to a child.

  4. Nope, sorry, mooslims call it "khatna", ritualistic cutting of the foreskin. So there ya go, two things the Jews and mooslims agree on: pork and foreskin. Gotta start the peace process somewhere.

    Oh, and the name the anti-circumcision group call themselves is "Intactivists". Isn't that cute?

  5. No love for them here, but the mooslimes REQUIRE circumcision...doubt it's them driving this one. It's typically either feminists damanding control over male decisions or their girly-man enablers.

  6. But it's okay to stick those scissors into the base of their skull, cut the brain stem, suck out the fetus and throw it in the trash.
    Nipping the tip as a sign of devotion to G-d or for ascetics: BAD! Killing it outright: Good????

  7. Circumcision has nothing to do with a child's health. We have Doctors in the family, and they're of the same opinion. It's all bullshit.

    All Muslims are circumcised, as are people of a Jewish faith. It's a fairly new thing for Christians to be, however. Like... in the past 50 years or so.

    imho there is no reason for Christians to be circumcised. Zero, zip, nadda. And even less reason for non religious folks to be. It's got nothing to do with being 'godly'. It's genital mutilation of a child.

    But hey, what do I know. Most folks never let the facts get in the way of their opinion anyway. ;)

    Only heathens, the utterly ignorant sheeple, or people really fucked in the head, let someone take a scalpel to their son's pecker.


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