
Monday, December 31, 2012

YOU'RE blaming ME???


  1. Let use Hollywood as a test model for gun control. No more shot'em up movies, no more cops & robbers, ect. When they can't use action & violence to sell a shitty movie script, they'll change their tiny minds.

  2. Bastard Hypocrites!!! Luv this :)

  3. Oh, but, but, but that's ART and they're ARTISTS and it's their 1st Amendment right to free speech, and they're all lying hypocritical sacks of shit that don't matter. I refuse to support them, won't watch their crappy shows or movies, won't buy anything they endorse. My life has gained quality already.

  4. This does forget to mention their armed bodyguards as well.

  5. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. When the SHTF, and I'm sure it will, these assholes will be targets.

    There are a few in the Hollyweird crowd that are with us. Tom Selleck and Joe Mantgna (sp) are two to come to mind.

  6. Hey WC, I threw a nod to you over at the 'Rott.

  7. I LOVE IT!

    Damn commie hypocrites.

    Millionaire limosine liberal commies.

  8. I can't think of a better way of showing just how two faced these people are.

    And a plan for what anyway? Arm teachers and staff and you won't need no darned plan.

  9. I am going to blatantly repost that on my blog. I was about to put my fist through my laptop screen seeing them all bitch and moan while then seeing them all shooting and pushing extreme violent behavior and have to say man am I happy that what came up on screen near the end came up when it did. My BP must have been at least 200 over 140. In the end though, I have to admit that was excellnt and should accomplish waking some folks up!

  10. I would love to hear just one of these f-ing idiots try to explain why it was ok to get filthy rich glorifying violence; portraying thugs, vigilantes, and stone cold killers when they now condemn the violence and killings that they were helping to dump into the minds of the impressionable.

    Do they think that we don't see their hypocrisy, that NOW they jump on the bandwagon of the politically expedient demand for gun control? Some of them have made a career of soaking a generation, or two of young, impressionable minds in scenes of violence and gore.

    Now they are incensed because some warped minds are acting out the violence that these hypocrites have pushed in their faces for years.

  11. You guys know it is coming, I sent off a few emails today, if you feel it is worthy, feel free to copy it.

    No taxes/registration on rifles, pistols or any other personal firearm. There are many, many reasons why this would be unfair, but probably the biggest is, "I don't think the Federal or State needs to know who has weapons and who doesn't." Everywhere, and I do mean everywhere this has been enacted, the next step was confiscation. We are a Republic, our rules for operation are written in Law, taxation infringes on the right to keep a gun, because then it is not "forever ours!" As soon as we stop paying taxes, you either come get us or the firearm. What part of "Shall not be infringed." do people in DC have a problem understanding? This is not a sport that you are taxing; it is our basic right to defend ourselves and defend our country from those that may choose to alter it beyond recognition.

    Here is a good video and links to email your letters.
    Video (which also has the link):

    This link will take you to a Congressional website where you can quickly and easily email your Senators, Congressmen and the President:
    There is also a sample letter at the video link:

  12. They don`t seem to mind the blood splattering gore they act out on screen . But then , there`s a buck in it for them .

  13. Fuckin' A! Outstanding video! These assholes live in a fuckin' fantasy world 24/7. When everything goes to shit and there's blood in the gutters and bodies piled in the streets of North Hollywierd what are they going to do?

    They're gonna take cover behind someone with a gun. Fuckin' hypocrites and whores. Love it!


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