
Saturday, January 05, 2013

A picture is worth a thousand words.....



  1. You are not allowed to judge ficklestein, you peasant. Her word carries weight, you, you miserable dirty peasant must do what she says or there will be trouble!

    One day soon one of these idiots will shoot someone because,,,stupid.

  2. Anyone remember the story awhile back about officer friendly giving a gun lecture in a elementary school, and the dumb ass shot himself accidently in front of the class?

  3. After they ban guns, they'll have to ban rope and anything tall (trees, streetlights, children's playground swings, etc...). Because otherwise every scumbag leftist politician in the country will find themselves deservedly swinging from them.

    Fuck Obambi.

  4. John, I have that video saved on my you tube account. I watch it every now and then because it's funnier than shit.

    I sure would like to see the wicked bitch of the west stretching a nice piece of rope. Along with a long list of others.

  5. Washington cocksucker`s grandstanding with prop`s for their media whore`s . Fuck her and the hoss she rode in on.


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