
Friday, January 04, 2013

Arghhhh again

Blogger's still not letting me upload any new images and it's too early to think, so I'm giving you a few choice re-run pictures to look at when you're supposed to be working. Hopefully they'll have the problem squared away when I get in from work.


  1. Wirecutter, I had the same problem, it seems to be related to Internet Explorer only. I recommend switching to Google Chrome.


  2. Could it be you reached your limit?
    You are a prolific poster, you know, and the intardnets ain't forever. You mighta clogged up Blogger's shit with gun and tit dead critter pictures.



  3. Come to the Dark Side (WordPress).
    I was with Blogger for 1 year, and it kept getting worse.
    Some minor probs with WP, but certainly less than Blogger, after almost another year.


  4. thought I remembered that crotch

  5. Was visiting a state run Unversity hospital in Charlottesville, Va today and while waiting to be called, I was surfing on the phone via the hospital's wi-fi. I jumped to your page ad it wouldn't load. I went back to the 3G network and it loaded. Went back to the wi-fi and it wouldn't.

    I checked a couple of other handy III blogs and they loaded up on the wi-fi.

    They got your number or something? They had you blocked.

  6. Anon, I've been told that there's a lot of places that have me blocked. Some, but not all miltary posts and bases, teaching hospitals, Universities, and a couple of nursing homes.

  7. Mad Mike - if it keeps up I'll try my other browser. Thanks.

  8. I couldn't load pics either. I went to Picasa which stores pics for blogger, facebook and a few others. Used my blogger log-in info and bam there were my pics. uploaded new ones to picasa and used the picasa option to up load the new pics to blogger.Just click on Picasa in the upload picture screen and your on the way.


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