
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Damn, Woman, eat a porkchop. Nice tits though.


  1. She's puuuurdy!

    About as close to perfect as you can get. Sadly, in a lot of these cases, they rest on their looks, rather than developing a functioning brain! Since it's completely out of my reach, I'll assume she's stupid.

  2. Sheesh, dudes.

    The sad thing is if women cared as much about physical perfection as y'all dudes, none of you would ever get laid. Fortunately, we are more than willing to look past knobby knees, flat asses, bald spots and beer bellies to see the man.

  3. Jeezis christ on a skateboard, look at that belly, you could bounce a quarter off'n it. Soon as I saw that my tongue got hard as concrete. This old dood would have a heart attack all over that shit, twice.

  4. Yes. By the way, my name is Porkchop.

  5. Angel,
    I object to the knobby knee comment
    please apologize :)

  6. Millwright, I am profusely sorry you have knobby knees. How's your ass?

  7. Well said HWC! Thank you.


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