
Saturday, January 12, 2013

I've been that fucked up before


  1. You don't have to post this, and that's your right. Just as it is my right to ask you to please watch your language. What purpose does language like that have anyway? It takes more of a man with a mind in use to at least sound intelligent, not vulgar. There are children who actually go to the Citadel Blog an really could do without this type of garbage. As I said, you have the right to post this trash, but ... if you are a liberty-loving individual, then you would also know and understand that you also have to take responsibility for what you say. Please clean it up, there is no use for this!

    Fred Thomas

  2. Fred, this isn't the Citadel blog, it's mine, and I can say any goddamned thing I want. If I'm linked in there and they don't care for my language, they are perfectly free to take my link down - it won't hurt my feelings one bit.

    Are you implying that because I talk the way I do I don't love Liberty?

    If you don't like what you see here, go away and don't come back. You sound like a fucking liberal anyway, trying to tell others how to act.

  3. By the way, I'm not involved with the Citadel in any way shape or form whatsoever.
    I have nothing invested and don't plan on moving there.
    I do however support their Right to do what they want and will back their Rights by any means necessary.

  4. I'm sorry, did some cocksucker just tell you to watch your own fucking language in your own fucking house?

    Fuck him with the business end of a snowblower. Just sayin.'

  5. I know, huh?
    You know how those Obama supporters are, trying to push their bullshit opinions and beliefs on everybody else.
    As if their children are going to be shocked reading here what they hear in school every day.....

  6. Wow' that looks like it is going to smart.

  7. Stunning. Freedom of fucking speech, huh. Nothing burns my ass more than anybody telling me what to do.

    Btw, from the pics you keep posting with the heading "I've been that fucked up before", thank fucking Jesus you had the good sense to hang it up!

  8. WC Please don't think I am chastising you for you language
    personaly i's ok with me. As I said
    I'm a retired sailor so I've heard and used all those fucking words.
    Like you told fred, If he don't like it, he can fuck off and go watch some hollywood lib suck cock.
    As for me I'l stay with you my freind.

  9. Timbo - if you only knew..... have you ever woke up in a foreign country before? I have. Have you ever come to in one of those old Goodwill boxes they used to have on street corners? I have. Have you ever broken your back and not known it? I have.
    Ah, sweet memories.....

  10. Old Richard - Thank you. What's offensive to some is refreshing to other motherfuckers.

  11. My Land`s ! was that " THE Fred Thomas ! " Whoop-Dee Fuckin Doo. I come here of my own free will to bullshit with kindred soul`s . If they are offended , then go somewhere else , Duh !.

  12. I don't give a fuck which Fred Thomas it was, nobody tells me how to talk on my own blog.
    If I were to go to his house I would watch my language out of courtesy and respect - absolutely - but not here. This is MY house.

  13. How many people get _that_ fucked up in Radio Shack, though? That has got to be fairly unique.

    Maybe this guy was actually looking for a 300 ohm resistor so he could fix his pacemaker ;-)

  14. Well, the last time I did it I was in the wrong store. I thought I was in the gun shop a couple blocks away.....


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