
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Last week's catch

On their way to the grill......

I almost feel bad for not tossing them back to achieve BAT status.
And there's the proof - I do smile.


  1. Awwww, ain't they cute? :) They would make good trolling baits for some of the fish I've caught! Heh, just bustin' yer chops. Nice catch! But they would make for good offshore trolling baits...

  2. Nice fish! The one on your left is a good size...The biggest trout I ever caught was a 6 lb'r out of Diamond Valley Lake,Hemet Ca, while bass fishing, caught on a fat rap....A lil salt,pepper,butter and a squeeze of lemon..ahhhhh....


  3. I don't mean to be picky, but the fish are smiling more than you.

  4. Actually I was hoping for something just a little bit bigger but as few fish as I've caught lately, anything counts.

  5. They also don't have a lip full of Copenhagen, Angel.
    Gotta take what you can get.

  6. So now you got yer bait, what are you going to do with it?

    Oh, yeah, I smile like that all the time.

    How do I post a picture here?

  7. Haha! Yeah, nice smile. It does make you look a bit friendlier, and we certainly can't have that now.

    Either of those are about the biggest trout I've ever caught. I have spent so much time in my life trout fishing, and I absolutely suck at it! One time I was fishing this trophy river with this native dude. Standing next to each other - same equipment - same lure. He pulls in 4 beauts, and I'm skunked. That was one of the last times I even went out.

    Salmon fishing on the other hand, I am a God! My biggest was 30lbs., which isn't huge. I was with a guy once that caught a 70! But I always limit.

    Those 2 look delicious!

  8. The one on the left is a planter from this year, the bigger one is a holdover from last year.
    I've never gone salmon fishing. Yet.

  9. Yup, just a puddle of happiness, huh?

  10. Did you catch the one in your left hand, or run over it with some nasty off-road tires? It's got some interesting tread pattern on the side facing us, and it looks a little flat.

  11. Okay, I know "fuck Minnesota" being all cold here and whatnot, but come on up. We've got all kinds of good fishing. All those lakes are good for something, and that's mostly growing fish.

    And, I'd call it an almost smile. Close enough.

  12. GAH! Tomorrow I am pulling out my fishing gear. Damnit, I need fishing time!



  14. Reg - That's because it ain't got no guts in it. It was LAST week's catch. I clean them as soon as I get them home.

  15. Kenny,
    Those look like fine eating trout to me. My question is how do bbq trout? I mean do wrap the suckers in foil. Grill them in one of those fish grill cages for bbQ or what. Catching is great eating is better...perhaps wrapped in bacon?

  16. Rick - my favorite way to cook trout on the grill is smoking them. Soak them in a brine overnight (you can find great recipes online - I use a different one every time) and them place them in a large barrel smoker using indirect heat, no more than 180 degrees, and let them site for 3-4 hours, turning them once. when the meat is still slightly moist and flaky, they're done.

    For grilling, wrap them in bacon with a pat of butter and a wedge of lemon inside, then wrap them in bacon secured with toothpicks. Place them directly over a medium hot fire and close the lid as the grease from the bacon will flare. Cook them for about 10 minutes, flip them and cook for another 5 minutes. When the bacon looks burnt, the fish are done.
    Take the bacon off and throw it to the dogs and enjoy your fish.


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