
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Meanwhile, at a bar in California.....


  1. I know this is the wrong thread for my comment.The citadel made our local newspaper again up here in Benewah county. Do you mind If I cut & paste some excerpts to you?

    Razor in the Benewah

  2. Sure, send 'em to the email address in the box at the top of my sidebar.
    I'll need a link to the paper too so I don't sued.
    I'll try to get it posted a little later.

  3. Wiserangel - I think the specimen is in his hand.

  4. The guy in the nun habit in the back is even more disturbing.

  5. Razor - I was just over at SSI and saw your comment there.
    Looks to me like you're just trying to stir up shit.
    Fuck you.

  6. Oh Dear God in Heaven, I just figured out what I was looking at! Oh well, now that's just wrong...
    I couldn't figure out why she was standing at a bar butt nekkid... Calling my optometrist for new bifocals.

  7. SSI people seem to have a problem.hope they don't hurt themsleves.

  8. What's he laughing at? The joke is in his hand!
    It's an old one I know.

  9. Sinners repent in the lower corner....

  10. Just wait Angel, in a few years, when you reach my advanced age and the stick tri-focals on your face. Shit.


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