
Friday, February 08, 2013

Big Sis is all over my ass

Over the past few days I've discovered (with solid proof) that my email and phone are being monitored. Messages have been received by me and supposedly sent by me by text and email that when scrutinized turned out to false. When I've asked the sender about the email or text message they deny sending it. It's been going on now for 3 days that I know of.
Why the assholes decided to play the game - they had to know I was going to find out - I have no idea. Why tip their hand? It's not going to stop me or my dedication, all it did was to make me more wary.
But please understand that there will be no more private correspondence via email or phone between me and my friends until I can get encryption keys to them.
I will continue to receive pictures and links via email for my blog, but that's it.

To those that read my blog, please know that you're probably being monitored as well.

To the friend that wants a face to face with me next week - I'll take your call but don't be offended when I ask for information that's known only to me and you and yes, that call will probably be monitored. I will let you know how to let me know the time and place you've chosen for the meet.

I'll end this post with this - my good friends and regular readers know me pretty well. If you see something on my blog or in an email that sounds out of character, question it.
If this blog suddenly disappears, it's not my doing.


  1. Are you SERIOUS? Because I had the very same thing happen to me last year. Only it was my ex-son-in-law. My blog and passwords got hacked and changed, so there was nothing I could do about it as he sent hateful emails to my friends, put vicious posts in my name, and listed me on facebook as being a widow and looking for women.


  2. FUCK OBAMA! Can you hear me now??

  3. Lotta Joy - except that I'm getting messages my friends accounts signed with their tags that they didn't send. So whoever's doing it has their accounts too.

  4. Been reading here since I followed a link from another blog. Hooked ever since. What the politicians don't understand is that a lot of us don't trust either party. Bush started this with the patriot act, and Obama has taken it to a new level. Rather than fight the enemy, they have turned a good majority of Americans into the enemy. I do not identify with any group, but when push comes to shove, I stand with people like you. There are more of us than they think. Fuck Washington D.C.

  5. I've had two instances, one of which was yesterday within your 3 day window, where I believe someone was trying to get in my computer remotely.

    Yesterday, I had just put the computer to sleep and a minute or so later it came back on by itself while I was across the room. I promptly shut it down and unplugged the wifi and the modem. Later I tried jumping up and down on the floor near the computer ( I weigh 300 ) and the floor is on joists. I could not shake the mouse enough to trick the computer into coming on.

    The first time this happened ( a month or so ago ) was on my laptop running Linux. It had went to sleep on its own. A couple of minutes later, it too came back on. This time I actually witnessed someone trying to guess the password. It did not get in that time.

    I wonder myself about such things and it doesn't take much of a leap to get to the conclusions that you have drawn. However.....

    There is always the possibility that its just someone screwing with you. I would suspect with the way the Feds like to act, if they wanted your computer hard drive info or anything else for that matter, they would just come and take it, your 4th amendment rights mean nothing to them anyway to begin with.

    A word of caution submitted respectfully from me: lets Assume its not big sis or the Feds now, you start sending and receiving encrypted messages and you certainly for sure will have their attention from here on out and I don't mean just stopping by to read your blog.

    Just my thoughts, man.

  6. Tell them "fuck Obama" for me too. Fascist cunts.

  7. Well, Shiver Me Timers -- NOT!!! I guess since they are on to us I can post this without worring too much about their actions.

    I tried to explain what happened the other night during our email exchanges to no avail (I thought), I am glad I got the message across, finally!

    Watch your 6, W.C., watch it close, I am mine, NOW!

  8. Yeah, you were the first one, happened yesterday too and then today again.

  9. I stated the following day how it must of been a punk ass kid statement, did you receive my link from the CFP after that?

  10. Naw, that night was the last I heard from you - kind of reminded me of most of the dates I had in my life. I was really hurt, man.....

  11. I love you too much to that to you, man.

    Here it is again:

    Copy & past that into your browser, the hair will stand up on the back of your neck, I found this the next morning following our "unusual" email exchanges.

    Please post for all to read, it will help with the big picture.

  12. My Blog has been acting very funny as well. I actually contacted Brock and told him if I disappeared it was not my doing. I couldn't log on for almost 2 days. My stats show DOD visitors. I send sensitive stuff through a stand alone encryption service so not too worried about email.

    I really don't try to hide much anymore, I am sure they know who I am and all about me. Fuck em. Let em come and get my ass. This ole boy aint easy. -55six

  13. Hey Kenny, check this out. It may help.

  14. Don't let them Breitbart you, stay frosty.5231

  15. Getting a little pro active are they?
    I know damn good and well they have been keeping tabs on me for years now.
    All I had to do was start looking at my Site meter stats and then use the map function to track them right back to their door step.
    There used to be someone at the Washington Post that was there damn near every day too.
    Must have lost interest sometime back.

    I guess I'll have to start paying more attention now, sigh, fuckers.

    Must be doing something right to have the sonsabitches keeping watch though.
    I know they aren't looking for Aunt Tilly's recipes.

  16. I never put my puter to sleep. I turn the motherfucker totally OFF and disconnect it from the broadband even if it's anoy while I bang the old lady.And believe me that time frame is measured in micro-seconds.

    That's a lesson I learnd a year ago after I found my sleeping computer waking at 3:00 AM one night and sure enough someone was trolling my hard-drive.

    Had to do some serious cleansing. Almost had to buy me a new computer.

  17. That could explain a lot. WTF, I'm on so many lists, what's one more.



  19. I would think by now the "super snoops" know our friendly socialist government stirred up a shit storm. The questions I have for them (in case they are listening today) is 1-because we do not conform to their socialist platform are we considered traitors (in their eyes)? 2- If so, then in their socialist minds, is using drones on us justifiable?
    It appears this administration has no problem throwing people under the bus and the "dead pool" list is long of those who could hurt our chief. He also has no issue using killing drones for that list is long as well.

  20. Fuck obama! Fuck holder! Fuck DHS!

  21. Personally, I don't feel I've led a fulfilling enough life if my name isn't on at least a half dozen watchlists.

    Fuck you Barry O

    Long live the Wirecutter!

  22. TrueCrypt for disk encryption and PGP for message encryption.

  23. Wire Cutter,

    Here are two for you:

    I use these and have first hand verification "they" hate both sites.

  24. I've had people impersonate me online and write some vile garbage, but at least as far as I know I haven't yet been hacked (let me clarify - hacked by civilians with an attitude. I am 100% certain every Comm I have is monitored by Big Sis and her allies.)

    Stay safe.

    III to III.


  25. I've always shut my computer off since I found people can take pictures with your computer while it's off. It may not be the government I've gotten emails from friends addresses that advertise stuff. Luck with your quest.

  26. FUCK EM'


  27. Fuck Em..Remember the Rest can Go to Hell, I will just stay in Texas! Stay Hard, keep your Head down and keep moving forward.

  28. I got one from a friend in Florida, I tried to send something back and it failed, never had second thoughts, really don't give a flying fuck. Monitor me or come get some, its up to them..............


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