
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Michigan Doug's new Jack Russell

Eight weeks old - he didn't send a name with the picture. I generally don't name a dog for at least a few days, then it pretty much names itself. CharlieGodammit, for instance.


  1. How about: "Yrdwtfwm,dy?"

    yeah, whatever...

  2. we're kinda thinking Kermit.

  3. Excellent dogs Jack Russells, I have one. He is named Neelix, we are Star trek Fans. He is Crazy and never lets the cat live in peace. If I could I would own a pack of them.

  4. Jack Russell, Devon, EnglandFebruary 27, 2013 at 10:57 AM

    Best dogs in the world! Full of character and fiesty with it. Always make me laugh. Nobody told them they were small! Mine would fight for England!

  5. When we finally replaced our dead dobie "Slurpee". The new pitbull had a name from the old owner, "shakira". Stupid as it may sound, they still called her by this name. She never responded.

    We went through nearly the entire english language until she responded to a name. That name stuck and we have called her by it for 6 months now, "Chair".

  6. what? nobody noticed the camo toe in the corner? heh heh


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