
Monday, March 18, 2013

The Swapshop on FB

Okay, the Swapshop has been up for 2-3 weeks now and I haven't even made my money back on what it cost to launch the page, a whopping 50 bucks.
I told Lisa last night that I was going to leave it for the year that I've paid and then I wasn't going to waste my time with it anymore and her reply was to put it on FB which got an immediate response of OH HELL NO. I wanted this shit to remain with Patriots and then she gently reminded me that I've got damned few friends and the ones that I do have are as whacked out as I am as far as politics go and any exposure is good exposure.
Good point.
So here it is for all you facebookies: The Patriot Swapshop on FB
If you can't see it, send me a friend request HERE


  1. Wirecutter,
    No disrespect intended here but you under priced yourself as others tried to advise you on your own blog. Run a price increase by your readers and customers first before doing something as drastic as face book. If I have something to sell, trade, etc,. I would voluntarily send you more than your posted price for your time & effort in this endever.
    It's merely a suggestion but I think it would be worth the effort to consider and since you did it for the Patriot Community, at least allow them to have a say as to what their perspective of one's time and effort is resonable?
    Who about a donation's page with each posting, I think you would be surprised? Have them send payment on your already alloted terms as posted, sit back in your camo Lazy Boy and monitor the results.

  2. Update: I forgot to add that my payment to you was going to be based on an approx. 10% commission of my bottom line price, if that helps.


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