
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Wait for it..... wait for it.....


  1. Well worth the wait.
    Hot brass and boobies.

    Great name for a band.
    Sorta like Guns N Roses.

  2. hot casing down the shirt?

  3. That same shit happened to me and it hurts! Right down my shirt. And I was hitting the target!!

  4. Better let me give her first aid and apply some ointment..........

  5. Taminator - Ointment! Is that what they are calling it now?

  6. Timbo - If I wasn't the king of euphemisms I would have been fired decades ago.

  7. ~sigh~ been there done that. It's worse when you're, um, amply endowed. those little suckers burrow in the ta's and hide. I have a 9mm shell casing-shaped scar...

  8. Angel, any chance that we can examine that scar? Just for scientific purposes of course.......

  9. I just used this a gun safety training for my 12 year old girl.

    I said, at the beginning of the vid, "See what she's wearing?"
    At the end, "Now you know what NOT to wear, don't you?"

    She said, "yep."

  10. Angel - Sorry, I have nothing left to give, but my undying gratitude......I may be able to spare a couple boxes of .22s, though. They're worth their weight in gold now. Besides that, women are supposed to be loving and giving. Although a peek at your ample lovliness would probably just give this old guy a heart attack.......or a severe beating from the wife.

  11. And she does the BRAzillian cha-cha... This is why I never wear low cut shirts. And a hat, keep is from rolling down behind your glasses.


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