
Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Fuck you, Don Lundy


  1. I dunno, Kenny. Been on both sides of the equation - being rushed in with no heartbeat and everybody running around yelling and such-like was a lot worse than sitting there with my thumb up my fundament for an hour waiting to get a sprained wrist attended to 300+ miles from home.

    Wish you had captioned it "No shit, Sherlock" instead.

    stay safe.

  2. American InsurgentApril 4, 2013 at 1:41 PM

    That's what you get for putting one undeserving segment of society on a pedestal over the rest.

    Paramedics [like cops and municipal firefighters] are just glorified bureaucrats and the world would be a better place without any of them.

  3. Tell the part about waiting is good to the guy who died from internal bleeding - quietly, making no waves.
    Chris in Houston


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