
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Nice ass but can't keep house for shit

There is no room on that bed for fucking. Is that a pair of ladie's drawers on the headboard?


  1. My undies usually end up on a ceiling fan blade.

  2. Here I am on the library network t work (taking my break of course)and there is your blog on my computer screen. I would have figured that if anyone's blog got filtered out it would have been yours; although, I am quite pleased it was not.

    Nicely put together and who the heck would care if she could clean house as long as she could keep the plumbing functioning.

    All the best,
    Glenn B

  3. I'll pass. I'd seriously question her personal hygiene.

  4. straight up white trash....God bless her.

  5. She's a bit too "big boned" for me.


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