
Monday, July 13, 2020

SCV speaks out on the removal of Forrest bust from the State Capitol

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — On Thursday the Tennessee Capitol Commission voted to recommend the removal of the Nathan Bedford Forrest from the State Capitol to the Tennessee State Museum.

Forrest was a Confederate General and early leader of the Ku Klux Klan who later left the supremacist group.

News 2 reached out to the local chapter of the Sons of Confederate for a response to the decision.

The attorney representing the Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 215 and the great-great-grandsons of Nathan Bedford Forrest sent this statement.


  1. The decision to remove the memory of Natham Bedford Forrest, starting with his bust, will be made by people with scant understanding of the history of their own state and it's heroes. In obsequiousness obedience to the paid stooges of Soros; who know no history, and lack the education or the attention spans needed to learn any.

  2. If I remember correctly from my past reading on Forrest, he was leader of the KKK before they became a racist organization. Once he heard about the cross burnings and other racist acts, he ordered the klan dispersed.

    Blaming Forrest for the racist aspects of the KKK would almost be like if the Democratic Party was hijacked by people advocating national socialism and then accusing JFK of being a NAZI -- actually worse, since Forrest ordered disbanded.

  3. All I ever heard about Forrest was that he was a respected CSA general and founder of the KKK. I need to look a lot more into his history in order to have an opinion about him.

    1. Try this book. The writing style is a little rough, but it really is a good read.

  4. In the 70's when I first started visiting my in-laws in Maryville, they lived on "Forrest" Ave. By the time we bought their house in '04, the street signs had been changed to "Forest". There was a period where the signs at each end of the block were different. As far as I know, it was done quietly.

  5. This notion that you have to be perfect to be great is fucked up. Forrest was a great man.

  6. The re-writing of American history
    should never be allowed to stand.
    Once the coming "unpleasantness"
    is concluded, with the cleansing
    and removal of the communist hoard
    from our shores...every one of our
    National treasures will be restored
    and/or replaced to their rightful
    intended glory. To always be the
    reminder of those who've walked before
    us. All those who've defended, led, and
    contributed, to our Republic.


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