
Sunday, November 01, 2020

Sunday Video 8



  1. They went for the snorkel option, next time upgrade with a bilge pump!

  2. Assholes pushed water into every house and business they passed.

    1. ....and that dumb muther fucker put his 'ol lady at risk. All the while she's squeaking like it's cool to do. *IF* the truck was rigged for mucking, then so be it. But it sure didn't look that way to me.

  3. I have done that with a CUCV military blazer. It did have a snorkel about half way up the windshield. I ended up with about a foot of water in the cab that drained quickly when we opened the tailgate. In my defense I was doing what the LT told me to.

  4. Driver has heavy duty balls or I just don't give a fuck today

    1. I take it not very many people in these comments have ever had a Jeep with a snorkel? We even have quick access drain holes under the carpet for quick evacuation. The are good and heavy too so you can cross a river nearly 6-7 foot deep.

  5. Ahooga! Ahooga!

    Dive! Dive!


  6. WTF... even with a snorkle that was insane.

  7. Good thing they had a snorkel although unless they had varios breathers led up to the roofline they’ll have issues later. The carpet and upholstery is a writeoff. You might get it dry but you’ll never get it clean and mold is a guarantee.

  8. Hard to believe the air intake didn't suck water and stall the engine. I'd say he needs an immediate oil and transmission fluid change. And cleaning the passenger seat!

  9. If wasn't for dumb luck those two wouldn't have any. I guess they never heard the rule about never attempting to drive through standing water.


  10. I can't believe that car didn't stall

  11. Glad to see the Philippine Navy got a new submarine with AC and floor mats.

  12. Anybody have an idea what kind of car that was?

  13. Bilge pumps optional on that model.

  14. Damn. That stressed me out. Who cares about the technicalities of what if and why.

  15. Snorkels for intake and exhaust notwithstanding, I never grokked how the electrical systems don't short out when doing stuff like that.

  16. Damn it, you forgot the fries.

  17. U-boat commander wannabe?
    I understand snorkels, but unless complicated electrical systems are protected, problems can be expected.
    When I was about 15 I had a Ford Army jeep (pre-Humvee). It was a cool vehicle that would go about anywhere with it's 4-wheel independent suspension/drive. It was also fitted with braided stainless steel lines that protected the plug wires from the waterproof distributor to the the spark plugs against water. I forded creeks where the water was well into the fan/engine compartment. It had provisions for an air intake snorkel and for the exhaust. I never added either. I was pretty wild, lacked life experiences, and put the vehicle in some pretty tight spots. Still, I don't think I would have taken the cruise those in the video took. LOL

  18. Yes, kinda scary and likely ruined something/ forfeited his rental deposit.

    Now watch this crazy Russian tanker driver...

  19. I was expecting to see a croc climb up on the hood.


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