
Thursday, May 20, 2021

Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead




  1. I'll bet that the Dehmlow family reunions were a blast in the intervening 56 years.

  2. One way to get the last word in I guess. We don't know what she was going thru and she won't be able to tell her story now. So, she abandoned her kids to her parents, I'm sure they had a much better life than what she was capable of providing. The bastard child isn't mentioned, what became of it? And the other two, did their dad abandon them too?

  3. Typo correction: Reads SCHUNK, should read SKANK.

  4. Written on an old New England tombstone -

    The children of Israel wanted food,
    And the Lord sent them manna.
    Old man Whistler wanted a wife,
    And the Devil sent him Anna.

  5. What a terrible burden, for Gina and Jay, to carry all that hatred around for so many years.

  6. Think on this as we watch the Antifa punks....a lot of broken people ...

  7. Gina and Jay don't make any mention of what might have happened to their dad Dennis? Maybe Gina and Jay were unraiseable kids and Kathleen was lucky to escape as she did? But that was the 60's...

    On 2nd thought, Gina and Jay should not have been more than 5 years old at the most when they were abandoned by their mother... they just as easily might have grown up to not any idea who she was... especially if she was not a part of their lives??


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