
Friday, May 21, 2021

Shawshank for January 6 Detainees

“I’ve been in solitary confinement for a hundred days now and haven’t been convicted of any crime with no end in sight.” 

That was part of a lengthy message Jacob Lang sent to his father, Ned, the last week of April. Jacob was arrested on January 16 in New York and charged with several crimes related to his activity in Washington, D.C. on January 6. Lang, who turned 25 while incarcerated, is accused of assaulting police officers using a dangerous or deadly weapon. The government’s evidence against him appears to be strong. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

But Lang and dozens of January 6 defendants already have been convicted by Joe Biden’s Justice Department and sentenced by federal judges—presumed guilty until proven innocent—awaiting trials that won’t begin for months. It’s all part of what Attorney General Merrick Garland promised is his “top priority”—the sprawling investigation into the alleged insurrection—and what another top prosecutor boasted is the “shock and awe” campaign to punish Americans protesting the results of the 2020 presidential election.


  1. By their actions, they prove that the election was stolen.

  2. Wait til we have our own shock and awe.

  3. Who will lead the military? They are the root of the control.

    1. The Colonels and Majors... It is always the Colonels.

  4. They should have listened to ole Remus.

  5. at the very least of things to be thankful for is no one has been shot yet.....wait. sorry.

  6. Even people that have been convicted of more heinous crimes receive better treatment than this! What is going to be done about violating their civil rights? Where are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton or do they just defend blacks? Where is the f*cking outrage over this??? The Dems are attempting to teach us a lesson that they should NEVER be questioned. Well, screw Pelosi, Schumer, Garland and the POS who calls himself "President".

  7. When/if a leader emerges, I will certainly follow.

    1. Quote from a Russian cab driver, shortly after the iron curtain fell: "This democracy thing is great! And as soon as we get someone in at the top who knows how to make it work, things'll really take off!"

      IMHO a leader is just a weak point to be exploited. I, for one, don't believe that Trump is the saint his supporters make him out to be, nor to I believe he's actually against the interests of the bankers & other elites who seek to enslave us. But this I know: He made a wonderful foil for their divisive and violent agenda. They've gotten the liberals all riled up and ready to murder - certainly spewing violent threats, etc.

      Any ACTUAL conservative constitutionalist leader will become a lightning rod for attack (and attempts to subvert them) by the left. I will never trust them for that reason. When the liberals can get away with supplying underage whores on the one hand, or murdering your children on the other, it would take a true saint to resist the pressure.

      We need a more grassroots resistance to be successful - mass non-violent resistance, electing people with a nullification based agenda, etc. Any single leader will become compromised, we need MASSES of leaders.


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