
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Dude dodged a bullet with that one



  1. Men have a tendency to let things go...water under the bridge.

    Women, on the other hand, NEVER forget anything. My wife sometimes brings up something dumb I did 20 years ago, just to prove that theory.

  2. That would be dodging a howitzer shell, not dodging a bullet.

  3. The fun you can have with an empty battery.

  4. Replies
    1. Reminds me of the popular bumper-sticker:
      * well-behaved women rarely make history.
      * name one 'well-behaved female' in all of history, ever, in all time.

  5. Dodged it big time, did he... I dodged one similar many years ago. Had given the ring and had family's blessing, somewhat begrudgingly. Then declined going to church with her family for second week in a row. Tears, screams, vomiting in toilet... I hauled ass, never looked back and didn't ask for the ring back.

  6. I’m guessing he hung up about four seconds into that rant and I’m betting two or three of her friends will be “consoling” that poor ex-boyfriend very soon.

  7. I wonder how she really feels.....

  8. Psycho chicks....We’ve all had ‘em.

  9. I can't play the clip but looking at the comments here he got out just in time

  10. Replies
    1. Trying to contact you about your cars extended warranty… put it on speaker phone so the whole office can here! Ilmao

  11. how, exactly was a bullet dodged?

  12. You know she’s a freak in the bed though…

  13. Happy person, spreading happiness.

    "Have a nice life!"

  14. Um, psycho referred to the asshole in question using FEMALE pronouns near the end of the rant.
    Gentlemen, we are seeing lesbianic lunacy, not mere female frenzy.

    1. I heard that, too. I got the sense, though, that it was a falling out between friends over a man. *Somebody's* better off without her, anyway.

  15. My daughter had a room mate in college that was as bad as this one, she was an engineering student. I met the boyfriend right before they graduated and got married all in the same month. I pitied the poor young fella. Wonder how long it took to get divorced?

  16. Some things never change. I got that same message a few times when I was younger, except it was written in longhand on lined paper and in an envelope delivered by a mailman.

  17. It is better to have loved and lost than spend your life with a crazy bitch.

  18. Queue Limp Bizket

  19. I was married to Satan's sister for 11 years, before we spilt up. I thought it was the end of the world, at that point. I found out, it was just the end of hell, and after I climbed out, things got better.
    To think that I used to worship the ground she slithered on. I just celebrated 29 years this month with my normal wife. The one thing I learned with her, is that you are better off alone and un married than married to a nut case.

  20. WIMNEZ. Go make me a sammich light on the mayo, salt n pepper. Oh bring a beer too, unopened. If no theres the door, there are lots more bitches in line here kiddo.

  21. I'm not sure, but I think she might be a tad upset about something. I wouldn't be surprised if her boyfriend asked her many times what was wrong, and she replied "nothing".

  22. ...then she vomited split pea soup and spun her head around.

    1. . . . And did the inverted spider clumb up the stairs.


  23. Jeeebus son.......Next time just put the damn lid down.

  24. At the end of her Rant, "So, is a blow job out of the question"?

  25. Well, she sounded like she called the other person a "whore" and a "witch". I am guessing either a lesbian tiff or her BFF was bonking her boyfriend. But, she is still a psycho bitch. Don't ask me how I would recognize one.

    But to be honest, my wife of over 30 years is probably the most sane woman I have ever met in my life. Her only bad times were in the throes of menopause. We figured that one out and managed to make it through the decade by me working contract and being gone for five and a half days a week.


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