
Friday, October 01, 2021

FBI Reports Most Murders in Decades, Police Point to George Floyd Fallout

The Federal Bureau of Investigation released crime data Monday showing a sharp spike in homicides in 2020. 

While some crimes diminished in the unusual, COVID-shutdown year, homicides rose nearly 30% and aggravated assaults rose more than 12% in one year, the first time in four years that violent crime increased from the previous year. 

There were about 21,500 murders reported in 2020, the highest figure in decades.


  1. I thought covid killed everyone

  2. I thought covid killed everyone

  3. I thought covid killed everyone

    1. Didn't read the post about commenting, did you?

    2. Even without reading your post Mr. Lane, it is plain as day that after you comment you get the message that your post will be visible after approved by the moderator! Never guessed it was such a big problem but now I see it is!

  4. Look for a push from The Usual Suspects to take the guns away from the people that aren't doing the shooting.

  5. Mebe he's your huckleberry!

    Chutes Magoo

  6. It’s DemoKraut Fallout, Of the Floyd Variety(the usual)
    They know Exactly what they are doing.

    And it isn’t helping Blacks or Children or The Poor or anyone…..
    Except, Themselves.

  7. Let's see...every sociopath and psychopath has been isolated to a pretty large extent for the better part of two years. Two years to dwell upon whatever twisted fantasies that they can come up with. It isn't exactly shocking that body counts are going up.

  8. All these fabricated "events" are ending lives according to plan.

    1. re -- moon-landing faked
      What if?
      What if there never was a saint george floyd?
      What if his 'inevitable suicide' was a false-flag?
      What if Chauvin and Rittenhouse are crisis-actors?
      What if the whole event was filmed on a YourBetters sound-stage, edited spiffily, then pumped around the world through YourBetters propaganda department?
      What if everything we know is wrong?

  9. It's okay, mostly all the right people qualifying

  10. Liftup your heads and see the plan. It is like Compton, California.

    The Corruptocrats have vote generating machinery so they have no need of the burdensome Team Ghetto except as an excuse to create new gun legislation to demoralize suburban and rural White gun owners. The borders are open to import the new population that will drive Team Ghetto out into the surround. If, however, "Honky" is aslert & agressive, defending himself, his family and his neighbors, the Ghetto Trash might not want to leave their ghetto homeland. That would foil "The Plan". See? The new (probably Illegal) Hispanic population converted Compton from a ghetto killing zone (~100 homicide, er, ghettocides per year) into a sort of prosperous municipality that brought profit to the property owners and grift to the "pols". The "property owners" are, for the most part, the GOPe traitors who helped to get rid of President Trump in favor of the Ghetto Massah's. They want short term profit for retirement. Screw you and your Republic. The Democratic thugs of BLM/Pantifa burned out and looted alot of functional White "downtown" businesses in order to clear the ground for the new "Beaner" population. The new taco shop is going to need space to open.

    Joe Demento, the Fauci-Chink Cof and "Gun Control" are just distractions and excuses.

    The plan is to make the doomed urban Hell-holes into profit centers by moving the ghetto trash into your neighborhood. Who do you think that the "affordable, (ghetto-ready) multifamily housing is for? You are going to love your new neighbors! Enjoy your patio while you still can.

  11. The murders are the boot on your throat. The Ghetto Corruptocrats are allowing their charges to do what comes natural instead of prosecuting to savages and "quarantining" them in concrete boxes where they can't hurt anyone. The BATFEIEIO isn't prosecuting ghetto gun crimes so the chaos will increase. They want to trash the few businesses that are left and drive the "Normies" out so there will be lots of space for the new Illegals. That is why the fake GOPe "Conservatives" joined with the Masters of the Ghetto to destroiy our Republic. PROFIT! In Compton, they killed some of the Black gangbangers and drove the survivors into the surround. Guess who your new neighbors are going to be.

    Compton, Kalifornia worked so well, thgat thyey are exporting the ghetto clearance program to a city near you. Enjoy!


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