
Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Dream on

As a member of Congress, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez makes a whopping $174,000 annually, meaning that she individually earns more than twice the average U.S. household’s income. Yet the progressive Democrat nonetheless thinks that working-class taxpayers should have to pay off her student loan debt.


  1. Let's be fair, if she graduated as a genius I would consider it.
    But she clearly has no brains whatsoever. If she started with zero, then college was a waste of time and money.
    If she started 'normal', she is now on zero so the college better give her all her money back.

  2. Not if she personally came to my house and blew me.

    And the bar she used to work at had to close due to the same policies that she espouses to spread to the entire country.

  3. Well, you covered every bit of what I was gonna say.

  4. Actually, that was Rashida Talieb.

  5. DC is a brothel and AOC is one of the biggest whores there

  6. To be fair, you don't get rich by spending *your own* money.

  7. Buys a Tesla, can't be bothered to fix her poor Abuela's roof.

    We all know what she is.

  8. She's scientific proof that the nicer the tits, the smaller the brain....she does have a fine set of ta-ta's....I will give her that....


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