
Thursday, December 09, 2021

Meh. They've been trying to re-write history for years now

In opening his two-day Democracy Summit on Thursday, President Joe Biden amended the U.S. Declaration of Independence to make sure it included 'women and men'. 

'American democracy is an ongoing struggle to live up to our highest ideals and to heal our divisions, to recommit ourselves to the founding idea of our nation captured in our Declaration of Independence, not unlike many of your documents,' Biden said in opening remarks. 

'We say, 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all women and men are created equal endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,' he said in quoting the document but changing it to be inclusive of women.


  1. What a clown. If he has a problem with the term 'man' he should quit issuing vaccine MANdates.

    Let's go, Brandon.

    1. ...and, 'awomen'. time to set "Puddin' Head" out in the pasture.
      fucking libtard morons
      Original Grandpa

  2. Surprising it isn't "birthing people" or some equally moronic title.

  3. This is Comforting! Now I know everything is going Great!
    Right now You probably think I'm an idiot,
    But bear with me.
    I KNOW that all the real problems have been solved.
    Because now they are spending their time solving imaginary problems.
    The pretense that everyone doesn't understand how
    Men is meant is really tiresome.

    1. Just because they are dealing with imaginary problems doesn't mean that the real ones have been solved. Real problems are difficult, imaginary problems are easy. So basically they can do sod all while claiming to have acheived something.

  4. That'll piss off the LBGTTGABCXYZ and the other 72 genders crowd ...

    Phil B

  5. It's a "REPUBLIC", not a "democracy, you fucking nitwit.

    1. Nah, it *was* a republic. The elites solved that little problem, and the peasants largely cheered it on.

  6. Reason #78,495 why you should never vote for a God damned democrat.

  7. But what about all the other genders?

  8. Reads "End of Quote" off the teleprompter AGAIN.

    But, but, but, he's totally competent and in full control of his faculties.

    R U effng kidn me?


  9. I listened to Kenny years ago and probably averaged a box of ammo a week whether getting in range time or not. I also recently started buying a few ounces of silver at a time when the price dips. And it dipped again today (manipulation.)

    Take a look at these tools in DC, Academia, Hollywood. This is a shitshow and the proverbial fan beckons. So stacking food, water, firewood, ammo, and PMs is cheap insurance to maybe help you get through to whatever is going to be on the otherside of this shitshow. But who the fuck knows (?) this is my first ride in the clown car.

  10. When Tom Brokaw wrote the book The Greatest Generation I was watching something on TV about it that he was narrating. I had been thinking about buying the book.
    In the segment on D-Day he included the line ". . .the men and women who invaded Normandy. . ."
    I decided right then not to buy the book.


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