
Monday, December 06, 2021

My God, Pelosi sobered up long enough to make sense!

“Suppose,” she said in response to Schumer’s argument, “your child at this time does not want to go to college, but you’re paying taxes to forgive someone else’s obligation. You may not be happy about that.”


  1. Maybe she'll plead temporary sobriety?

  2. There are also parents that worked their behind off their whole life, skimped and saved to pay for their OWN kids' college and now would be told to pay again for those who spent ten years failing to get a degree in gender-based basket-weaving, can't get a job and are now on welfare?

  3. Wow, that's only one small step from her being able to comprehend our objections to the SALT deduction.


  4. Sorry, I've already been pissed for quite some time at the dreadful quality of public education that I pay for through ridiculous property taxes.
    Too late, as usual. If it's free for nothin' from .gov, it's likely to be worth just that.


  5. There are so many special districts here all with their hand out that the effective county tax rate is just north of 15%. One school district in the hinterlands with one school and <100 students is set to add .75% on top of its 1.36% county-wide assessment.

    1. If you lived in California that one school district would have a superintendent who was pulling down north of $150K a year along with a principal making $130K.

      I have a relative who teaches at an elementary school in NorCal. She makes over $100K.
      Oh, and she votes Democrat. Funny how that works.

      We need more money for education, so let's raise your property taxes to pay for it.

  6. "It’s teenagers signing up for what is often hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt. We just do that. Our government allows that,” Ocasio-Cortez argued. “We give 17-year-olds the ability to sign on and sign up for $100,000 worth of debt and we think that’s responsible policy.”"

    Allow it? They made the rules and encourage it. Get the fuck out of the lending business and cut the administrative costs.


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