
Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Tuesday gifdump













  1. #3. Dog understands cause and effect.

    #5. That's jacked up man! 🤣

  2. Replies
    1. She didn't appear to be fighting him off much.

    2. She was smiling - me cave man, you woman!

    3. I saw this, and it put a smile on my face. I actually used to teach a Sunday School class for young married adults, when I was in a position of leadership in a church. And I would not back away from teaching what the Bible taught about things, from how you were meant to raise your children, to how you were meant to treat your wife/husband.
      The book of the Bible, Song of Solomon, is one book that I taught from, beginning to end. That was the easiest way to teach on subjects that could be shall we say, adult themed. And the Song of Solomon is very explicit, speaking about things like love making with your spouse, describing some of the actual physical things that married lovers are able to do in order to make their spouse feel the affection of their mate, including oral sex, and other things, that when done between husband and wife, are given God's blessing.
      And yet some people say that the Bible is outdated, and not for today. It makes me laugh, since I know what the Bible actually says. The other thing that I find amusing, is that the younger generations think that they invented sex. If anyone knows anything about the Bible, they know that sex was happening well before sin was entered into the world. Adam and Eve were having sex, and it was later that sin happened, with the fruit tree, which most people call an apple. Eve was actually tricked by Satan, and Adam was not tricked, but willingly took and ate the fruit when Eve offered it to him.
      I guess it is the one thing that I learned from attending Bible college, my ability to look at life, and then take the Bible and apply the Bible to our every day life, and see just how God gave us the Bible, to help us to understand and to teach us how He wants us to live, and to act and react to the various things that we encounter in our lives. That by no means implies that I always do the right thing, or have things under control, or react correctly every time. I only wish I knew how to make myself do the right thing. It is because of my sin filled heart that I needed Jesus to die for me.

    4. Amen, Brother! My wife and I have also read Song of Solomon and I had to explain to her that when it says "navel" (as in 'thy navel is a rounded goblet that wanteth not liquor') it is NOT talking about her actual navel...

  3. #2: Only in America. #4: One of yhe nine lives got cashed in

  4. #1 - No way
    #2 - That has to be some sort of trick or photo shop?
    #9 - Talent but only useful most never? :P

  5. #2 - Dude in a dress/hijab?

    1. No, it's a gal. You can see her girlish figure when her pink thingy lifts.
      What a waste, that Muslims hide the beauty of the female form.

  6. #2 is aluminum weights, used for photoshoots, realistic looking but about a quarter of the actual weight of the real thing.

  7. 1, I can think of people I'd like to see put there.

  8. #6 reminds me of this :

  9. #1, no way in hell.

    #8, very sweet

    @pigpen51, I learned something new - thank you.

  10. #6 - In 10 years, that'll be a Glock .40 and he'll still be just as clueless.

    #8 - There's something very hot about that.

  11. #9: People who can do things like this piss me right the fuck off.

  12. I think I saw a glimpse of ankle on #2. That slut must be killed for showing off her body in such an immoral way!!!!! It's Sharia Law after all.

  13. #2. And yet shes still too weak to take off the slave robes.


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