
Friday, January 28, 2022

Go on, tell 'em how you really feel, Jimmy

Gov. Jim Justice (R., W.Va.) has a message for detractors of his home state: Kiss his dog's butt. 

In an hourlong State of the State speech on Thursday, Justice inveighed against the Mountain State's critics, including geriatric actress Bette Midler, highlighting more than $3 billion in economic growth as well as increased tourism to the state and its parks. He denounced the "rock-throwing" and "one-upping" of Washington, D.C., politics, saying West Virginia is "better than that." At the tail end of the speech, he lifted his English Bulldog onto the podium to deliver one last rebuttal.


  1. Face or butt? Difficult choice. Poor dog. With Ms Butte Midler dog is hoping she chooses butt.
    But good for him. I was with him all the way right up to his vax pitch.

  2. For the greatest hoax on the world stage since the invention of Islam, the Governor of The State of West Virginia did his part in destroying what little there was of an economy in this state, and The Landlord of Hell has accepted his application for permanent residency.

    1. You win the internet prize today.

  3. Elected by democrats and re-elected by Republicans. Kind of like a drunk uncle who speaks his mind and don't care if he hurts your feelings or not. I like him.

  4. I feel sorry for the dog. To get that distinctive under-bite look, they selectively breed the dogs so that they can hardly breath.


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