
Friday, January 28, 2022

That's it, blame the manufacturers and not the fucking tweekers

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — Acres of cars were all lined up at Sacramento International Airport with the owners long gone on a plane out of town — and it set the perfect scene for thieves. 

“I hate to say but you take your chances with a thousand cars here and hope yours isn’t one of them,” said Mike Moss.


Sgt. Grassmann points to a false sense of security in a public paid lot but also the fact that the auto industry sells cars without securing the catalytic converters.

“So if people really want to point the finger, that’s where they should point the finger,” said Sgt. Grassman.


  1. I once left my work truck in the long term lot at LAX for a long weekend. When I got back and was walking to the truck, I noticed there was no glass in the driver's window. Next thing I noticed was no glass on the ground. When I got to the truck, it looked like everything was inside. I got in, and rolled up the window. I had left the truck in the parking lot for 5 days with the window down and nothing was touched. I was amazed. This was circa 2003.

  2. The converter is clamped, bolted, or welded on. It is not loose. How much more secure can it be than if it is welded on?

  3. Nearly all of the "faults" on my vehicles are from failed sensors. The last thing I want is more sensors or more computers that have to shake hands.

    And how is that going to work? I don't know of any kind of computer or chip or ID device that can be heated to 1400F and still function.

    1. A high temperature thermocouple can, but that's about it.

  4. No you need to point at the thieves. No one else!

  5. always someone else's fault. Da and cops weak on crime is the problem.

  6. I'm not buying Mike's new normal. I kind of like the islamic solution for thievery.

    1. Deterrence is gonna come back in vogue. Just you wait and see.

  7. According to Orwell's Newspeak, the criminals are the victims.

    Also, the white working class people who pay for everything are the problem.

  8. Want to end Catalytic Converter theft? Make it a mandatory prison sentence felony for anyone to buy one from a private party. Problem solved. The people stealing them do so because there are tons of complicit businesses who will pay cash for them no questions asked. Put an end to that and you put an end to the theft.

    1. Want to end Catalytic Converter theft?

      End the mandate to have a catalytic converter.

      Mark in PA

    2. The converters DO WORK in reducing SMOG....I remember what the air in LA looked like 45 + years ago when catalytic converters were just being introduced. They make a huge difference in air quality. So getting rid of them is just stupid. The solution to ALL such property crimes is to remove the demand for the stolen product. For most stolen products that's not easy. But for Catalytic Converters it would be fairly simple.

  9. I hd two different vehicle within 6 months hve their catalytic converters stolen. Its a real pain in the butt

  10. Dan has the answer.

  11. "Paid lot" - I do expect part of the payment to cover adequate security.


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