
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Ukraine War: ‘This Time It’s Different’

Today my second son turns 18. My other son is 22. Nothing quite focuses one on the meaning of war like having to face the possibility that one’s flesh and blood might have to fight it. The last time the US faced a major war of choice — Iraq — I had only one son, and he was two years old. I was 100 percent behind that war, because as I have written about many times since then, I was so enraged by 9/11 that I wanted America to lash out at anybody in the Muslim world. I was eager to believe every damn lie the US Government told to convince people like me to support the war. 

This time? Where’s the antiwar march — I’ll be there.


  1. The past two years have been a pretty rude wake up call for Dreher. He has always been fairly wishy washy. An "orangeman bad" Republican. But the riots of 2020 and the woke regime of Biden have pushed him to the right. He still isn't as right as most of us who read Wirecutter's stuff, but he is beginning to realize that there is no compromise with the people we are facing.

  2. China is a much much greater threat than Russia and the Chinese are smarter. They have bought off every DC politician and all media so we are facing off with a diversion, a false enemy while China sits back and our politicians kill some more of our kids. Our greatest enemy is in Wash DC and that enemy is our president and Congress.

  3. Also, in Desert Storm, the US and the coalition had overwhelming military force, including air supremacy. Although we did lose some, it was small considering the immensity of that war. It would still suck to be the person who was killed or injured or his/her parents.

    A war with Russia is another ballgame. Although we could probably win such a war, it would come at a great cost to our troops and most likely to our civilian population and our infrastructure. It seems that nobody reads "On War" by Carl von Clausewitz anymore. At West Point it is required reading, but I'm sure that the asshats in the White House, Congress and the State Department have never read it.

    If you have not, here it is:

    Methinks that Biden wants to make trouble to protect his and his son's illegal involvement in the Ukraine and the payoffs that they received.

    1. I think you are right that we may be able to win against Russia; you are absolutely correct that the cost would be awful. Even if we won, we’d lose. It would be a last gasp. Look at how many millions they were willing to lose in order the win the War to Save Joseph Stalin.
      NATO needs to knock off the ever-eastward encroachment of an alliance system whose reason for existing ceased in 1991.

      And your last sentence-I really wouldn’t be surprised if there was more to that than any of us know. Wise words brother.

  4. what goes around comes around. This time i get to spit on rather than be spat on. Bring on war hippie music this going be fun.

  5. Here's an Idea why doesn't the Ukraine just arm it's civilian population, if they could do that the Russian's wouldn't be so anxious to run it's army into that meatgrinder. almost any country in the world could mount a fair defense with a fully armed population.

    1. Because the (((Ukrainian))) government is very unpopular among Ukrainians.

  6. I was so enraged by 9/11 that I wanted America to lash out at anybody in the Muslim world. IN FACT it was globalist plot. Watch Follow the Money video on yall tub.

  7. My daughter is currently in corpsman school. There is talk about switching her whole class, among others, to Fleet Marine Force. I am hopeful that she still gets her primary MOS since she has requested surgery technician.

    1. In the words of a saying I came to hate, "Needs of the Navy..."

  8. The US cannot defeat an external enemy when it is infested with internal ones. The US is a paper tiger now too, and the adage of "no worse ally, no friendlier enemy" is true of it. But there's plenty of chest thumpers among the populace, a people full of hubris and pumped up on their own self esteem. They'll be fine with getting other people killed.

  9. All the Orangutan chest beating in washington going on is simply because Russia is a majority white. straight normal type of people country. American politicians love to make it the boogeyman while befriending dictators, mass murderers, communist and anyone that will fill their pockets with cash payoffs

  10. I was in Iraq and our oldest son was getting ready to come home from Asskrackistan. You could imagine the anxiety my wife went through.

  11. Urkraine is the west's fault ( Bush the Lesser announced NATO would expand to Russia's borders by adding the Ukraine and Obama supported a coup against a pro Russian, democratically elected president.

    Imagine of the Soviet Union had added Mexico to the Warsaw pact? Or put nuclear missiles in Cuba. How would the US react? Why are we surprised Russia is reacting the way they are?

  12. There will not be any war protest! There is a Democrat in office and those previous war protesters only came out if a Republican was in office. This is more or less, as I see it, a Tail Wagging the Dog situation. Biden's whole presidency has been a complete failure, he cannot control what is happening within his own country and has no respect on the world stage. He is looking for a distraction, same with the SCOTUS. As I understand it, the Ukrainians and Russians have come to a settlement without input from Joe blow. I agree with the other commenter NATO needs to mind it's own damn business. Hell most don't even pay their fare share of the NATO burden...we have to suck it up. And as for Germany, they made their bed they can lie in it. If Germany wants to base their economy and countries wellbeing on Russian energy exports then they can suffer when Russia turns off the supply. As a Ukrainian descendant, I say wake up Ukraine, Slow Joe is no longer worth what you paid for him.

    1. "Slow Joe is no longer worth what you paid for him."

      Stupid SOB never was.


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